

Amelia started to stretch out in bed when she realized that she was not in any of her beds or bedroom, with a soft groan, she attempted to roll over and go back to sleep wanting nothing more than to escape back into darkness but something was keeping her from moving, she was firmly pinned to wherever she was lying. When she finally dared to open her eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight, a lovely sight greeted her. Laying with his head on her chest and an arm draped possessively across her waist was Dominic in all his glory. She does not remember falling asleep last night but the events of the night were imprinted in her mind and it would stay with her for a very long time, even if he ends up not being her mate, and she sincerely hope that is not the case, because she do not think she would be able to forget about him. It felt so good to wake up in his arms and she would love it if she would be able to do so tomorrow morning, the day after and the days after that. Funny how sh

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