
Chapter 26

Emma dropped a roll of film and cursed under her breath as she bent to pick it up. Of course, it had rolled under the desk. She had to crawl on hands and knees to finally dig it out from the pile of cords and power sticks back there that ran her computer, her projector, and the various lamps and things she had laid out, waiting to process film she had yet to use in her newly completed dark room.

Who had time for hobbies with a political campaign going on?

She unzipped a camera bag and slipped the film canister into one of the elastic holders alongside the three other rolls she had just put in there. She tried to think of what else she might need. She had two digital cameras and her old Canon EOS Rebel. She had a tripod and extra lenses and a half dozen filters. She had all this film, including two rolls of black and white that were still frosty from the freezer.

As she studied the collection, she found herself imagining Dante, naked and forever preserved in black and white film.

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