
Fifty Two (IV)

Moderately satisfied with her outfit, she puts her earrings in and puts her glasses on.

Today will be a long day; she can just tell.

"I have errands to run," Avery states, packing up her laptop while she occasionally glances at Roman.

"Cool, go do them," he responds, looking at her over the laptop screen with a raised eyebrow.

"I want you gone by the time I come back," she grimaces, and he pauses his incessant typing.

"Oh, you're kicking me out," he mutters, and she stops packing.

"Did you think I'd let you stay forever?" She asks, "you're not a puppy."

He closes the laptop slowly, and nods at her.

"I'll leave now then, I suppose," he murmurs, pulling off her sweatshirt and leaving it on the bed.

"You don't have to leave this second, I'm just telling you that you should be out of here in the next six hours," she drawls, zipping up her bag.

"No, you don't want me here, and even a blind man could see that," he states calmly, standing up and stretching.

"Let your border patrol know that
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