
Chapter 138 She Must Have Gone Mad

Eva turned to look away as she passed him the pajamas.

However, she accidentally touched the tip of the man’s fingers.

His fingers were slightly cold, but Eva shuddered at the touch as it felt like an electric current had

flowed through her body.

She quickly pulled her hand back and ran off without looking back.

Nathan, on the other hand, did not feel anything at all from inside the bathroom.

After he was done showering, he walked out in his pajamas.

They surprisingly fitted him well. Even though the style was a little outdated, Nathan managed to make them look fashionable, as though they were donned by a professional model.

When Eva saw him after taking her shower, she could not help grumbling about how unfair the world was.

Why did this man possess so many superior qualities?

While she was quietly complaining about him, Nathan looked over at her.

Eva was wearing a set of conservative pajamas. Her hair fell on her shoulders, and her face
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