
Chapter 99 Give Me Back My Children

Her call got through very soon. Eva almost lost control of her mentions. She screamed into the phone, “Nathan Langley, you demon! Give me back my children. It took me ten months to give birth to them. They have nothing to do with you!”

The look on Nathan’s face turned cold when he heard this from the other end of the phone.

Nothing to do with him?

“Eva Lane, are you sure they have nothing to do with me?”

Her heart sank.

He had found out about them!

“Yes, they have nothing to do with you. Give my children back to me right now!”

She sounded insistent, but she was actually panicking.

Nathan grunted coldly. “It doesn’t matter how strongly you’re insisting on this. You can’t change the fact that they’re related to me!”

“No, they’re mine. Mine! How could you take them from me without my consent?”

Eva was almost breaking apart. She shouted, “Where have you taken them? Give them back to me right now!”

“Oh, give them back to you?”

There was a frosty look in Nathan’s eyes. He snigger
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