
Chapter Twenty-Four: New Quest Part Two

As we approached the fountain, the debate raged on. The crowd at present was divided into two sides; one side spoke against modern technologies, and the other defended them.

“This so-called internet has no physical substance,” a Victorian-era gent addressed the crowd. “How can we trust this invisible entity? If we lose the power of electricity, so is all the stored knowledge of our magnificent civilization.”

Those who nodded in agreement were from the sixteenth to early twentieth centuries, based on their clothes I recognized.

“Bah, you bunch of old-timers.” A toga-wearing Greek came forward to disagree. “Every generation with grays on and inside their heads feared anything new. In my days, when scrolls first came to be, the old fools feared that these tools and written words would make learners forget. They encouraged that knowledge must be memorized, word by word.”

“That’s stupid,” a surfer-looking dude exclaimed. “Does anybody here want to memorize

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