
A hidden agenda??

"Can you stop already? I told you I'm fine. Come here" Austin said to Blessing who was frantic about whether he is fine or not. Now he pulled her to the bed, patting the space left beside him.

"Look I know you're worried about me and it's okay" he brought her head closer to his chest.

"I'm sorry I gave you such a fright" he kissed her head. He could hear her sniffles and the wetness on his t-shirt indicated that she was crying.

"Calm down sweetheart, I won't leave you" he whispered assuring words to her. A little later, he heard soft breath and she was sleeping. He sighed and massaged her head. She was pale from exhaustion and lack of sleep. Austin was about to drift to sleep when someone barged into the room, for a moment he thought it could be Janice and Jean but they were at school; so he lifted his eyes lazily and looked at the intruder.

"Don't you have manners? Get out and go knock!" He pointed his finger towards the door. Jordan was in disbelief.

"I…I wanted…"

"Whatever you w
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