
Chapter 274 Became Empress!

Hua Qiyue turned around, absolutely shocked. She saw two ragged men in their twenties. Their faces had some bloodstains. But all those couldn't hide the fact that they were handsome. And they looked very alike.

"Caining? Caiqing? Is that you two?" Hua Qiyue looked at those two secret guards, totally stunned. After all, they used to be her secret guards, and they had done a great job.

It was just that the relationship between the Changjing Kingdom and the Yuewu Kingdom was not very good. So how did they come all the way here?

"It's really... our Princess!" Caining looked at Hua Qiyue's stunningly beautiful face and got so excited that he became dumb.

"Brother Caining, Brother Caiqing, why did you two come here?"

Tianci ran over and pulled Caiqing's hand. "Hey, big brother, are you injured?"

Caining and Caiqing looked at each other and both smiled. Yun Shimo involuntarily frowned as he came and saw thi

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