
Chapter 11



Third Person's POV

" Hahaha, I win again" 2nd prince Dagorlad glowing and shining to so much sweat from sparring with his little brother.

"Yeah yeah tsk! Just you watch I defeat you someday" 3rd prince calben sulking from not winning their match just now.

Brushing his hair and leaving a handsome and cool impression, calben feels annoyed upon seeing it and he does the same as his brother just now and he catches up to him.

-Castle hallway-

"Brother wait up!" Calben shouted and he stood beside Dagorlad. "Brother, have you seen older brother Fingolfin?" Calben wonder and ask "I don't know why you ask me, idiot, we've been together the whole time" Dagorlad respond feeling dumb for his little brother.

"ah...right hehe sorry" calben embarrass "*deep sigh* maybe he went outside the castle AGAIN" Dagorlad suspect and calben nod in understanding but also worried because his brother will be punished again if he will be caught going out again without permission from their father and mother.

"Don't worry he's good at escaping so no problem" Dagorlad seeing his little brother's concerned face.

"(deep sigh) your right" calben respond and smile.

And they continue walking to go to each chamber.


Fingolfin is practicing his sword skill by cutting each big tree one by one.

"*hard breath*..." Fingolfin breathed hard from cutting the big size tree and sweating so much. " feels so good to be out to the castle (sigh)" me feeling the wind brushing to my face and body and calming me down as he sits and lays down to the Bermuda grass under the big tree covering me from the shade of the sun.


After a while Satisfying himself before the sun goes down Prince Fingolfin sneak back into the castle and onto his chambers and there awaits his two little brothers.

"Hey! Brother welcome back" calben call him and he let out a deep sigh upon seeing them inside his chambers laying on his bed comfortably. "How's the outside view brother?" Dagorlad asks curiously.

"Is good and better than a stuck whole day here" Fingolfin respond putting his stuff he uses just now back to its place,

"Can we join you tomorrow?" Calben asks excitedly. While Dagorlad wears a tired look "Yes, why not?*smirk*" Fingolfin responds excitedly, breaking the rules with his two brothers again.

"Awesome!, do you hear that brother? Hehe," calben called Dagorlad who wears a bored look "yeah...loud and clear," Dagorlad said and turned back to calben.

"Anyway why you guys here?" Fingolfin asks his two little brothers who lay on his bed comfortably.

"Meh...we're just waiting for you because we got bored. We don't know what to do" Dagorlad responded tiredly.

"how long does father continue closing the gate and don't have an alliance? Is it pretty boring here? I want to explore the outside world and find someone I love, you know?" Calben said and Fingolfin messed his hair.

"Hey!" Calben angry from messing he's beautiful hair.

"Why don't you like the girls here in our kingdom?" Fingolfin said, teasing him.

"No, I don't they're annoying and so clingy why would I like someone like that? Right brother Dagorlad?" Calben said and asked Dagorlad for support.

"Huh? Did you say something?" Dagorlad joined Fingolfin from teasing him. And calben gets pissed off. He gets off the bed and almost leaves his brother's room but Fingolfin stops him.

"Hey...we're just teasing you don't be so serious come back here," Fingolfin said, feeling guilty "hemp! Okay, whatever" calben said sulking.

"Hahaha, you're like a girl when you get pissed off, right Jojo?" Dagorlad laughs at his little brother's action just now and calls out his small dragon that is hiding on his neck.

"You bring him with you? What if father saw Jojo?, I didn't bring Clawn because I will feel anxious when I do. I can't let father know that we found a baby dragon in the town, they will kill them for sure" calben feels worried for Dagorlad baby dragon.

"Relax brother is fine, Jojo is good at hiding so I don't have to worry and beside him, still a baby and father will never find out" Dagorlad responds, caressing his baby dragon head with his left hand.

"You're right and I am also here so you two don't have to worry, But we need to find a safe place to stay first before they get bigger. They can't stay here when they get bigger. It is dangerous," Fingolfin said.

"Your right, *thinking* about tomorrow in the forest outside our castle we search a cave for them to stay when they get bigger ''Calben suggested and his two brothers now as an agreement.

"I wish you will be a king sooner brother so that our kingdom can finally see the world outside and so that we can finally go out without guilt and worry(deep sigh)" calben said pointing his words to their older brother Fingolfin. "Don't worry, I will do something, so our kingdom will see the outside world again and for our clan to never hate and misunderstand the dragons anymore" Fingolfin responds confidently and seriously.

"We will wait for that brother and we're just here to help you anytime and anywhere," Dagorlad said in a serious tone.

"Yes, brother when that time comes were here to join forces with you," calben said seriously

"Okay okay, so for now you guys go back to your every chambers now, so that I can rest now, NOW GO SHOO!" Fingolfin said, pushing his two little brothers away to his bed and his room and closing the door. And the two give up and go on their separate way back to their chambers.

"(Deep sigh) I am alone at fluffy...(sigh) I will do anything I can to make our kingdom aware of the outside world again" Fingolfin resting comfortably to his bed and taking a nap.

to be continue.... 

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