
How Did It Go?

"Daddy, I want to be carried too!" Adeline exclaimed, she saw Cerys who had just been carried and thrown up and then caught by Adrian again.

Adrian dropped Cerys from his arms. Now replace holding Adeline and do the same thing. Baylor, Emery, and Delilah had just come out of their bedroom when they heard screams of laughter from the living room. The three of them immediately ran there and saw the excitement Adrian and his twins were having.

"Daddy! I want it, too!" Emery made an angry face while crossing her arms in front of her chest and that made Adrian laugh.

"Your turn later." Adrian tries to calm the anger of his kids.

Emery, who pretended to be angry, couldn't take it anymore when Adrian took Adeline down from his arms and tickled her waist. Emery burst out laughing at the sudden attack from Adrian.

"You really have the heart to see me tickled Daddy." Emery protested a bit because her four twins even laughed out loud seeing her being overwhelmed by attacks from Adrian.

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