
A sin

Noah's pov

" Have you been in love, your highness?"

Her words repeat in my mind like a broken record as I stand outside the door. Hearing her heavy breaths from inside. Trying to control my own raging heart.


I just want to go back in and claim her virgin self. Take her entirely while kissing her lips Telling her she was the one.

The woman I fell in love with at first sight. The only female I have ever loved yet hated at the same time beyond comprehensible logic.

Yet who I can never truly proclaim this to.

The image of her sprawled like that, waiting for me. Her arousal filling my office room.

If I wasn't an Alpha born....and my controls were not that strong.

I would have taken her long time back.

She was fuc*ing irresistible. Especially the innocence with which she was looking at me from under her naturally curled eyelashes. How her lustrous lips were getting assaulted by her teeth in nervousness.

I wonder how it would feel to have her scream and moan when I ta
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