
Day four: the secrets our parents keep - pt

2019, March 27th

(One hour later)

James checked his phone one last time before getting on to the plane. Still no word from either Aaron or his mom. Were they okay?

When James arrived in Copia, the sun was already setting. He took in his soldiers from the rooftop of one of Beaumont House’s towers as they were preparing to lay down their lives for their city, for his city. The Crimson Mercenaries had already joined the rest of his army in preparation for the impending war. Now, more than ever, they couldn’t afford to make any mistakes. With both Aaron and his mom not responding to him, James was on edge. He had every confidence in his army and its capability, but James was still hoping that they could somehow avoid it altogether. Copia could weather the storm, but how many people would lose their lives in this futile war? And what would James himself have to give up?

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” said a voice from behind him.

James was sure he was hearing things, but sure
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