
Chapter 1305

Frank appeared perplexed—why would Peter come to him?

A while ago, Peter was appointed as deputy to Terry Cotton, who worked as a team captain in Lanecorp's health and security department.

Under usual circumstances, Peter had Frank's number and could just call him if anything happened.

But he did not and came to Frank personally? And he was in bad shape?

Sensing something ominous, Frank left Lily the secretary and dashed downstairs.

At the first-floor lobby, Frank found Peter bleeding from the gut as he sat by the entrance.

He was bleeding all over, causing a commotion in the lobby.

"What happened, Peter?!" Frank exclaimed as he squeezed his way through the crowd and rushed to Peter's side.

"Brother… Chief…"

Peter was barely breathing, choking even as he struggled to lift his bloodstained hands. "Four men attacked the bar we gathered in… They had big guns, and they killed so many of us…"

"What?! Guns?!" Frank was at once furious.

After all, Draconia enforced strict gun cont
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