
Chapter 1418

However, even if those burly men were considered martial artists, they barely reached Birthright rank.

Against Mona, who was almost reaching Transcendent rank, they simply stood no chance.

With a soft cry, Mona vaulted from the windowsill as she leapt into the air like a bird.

She threw a seemingly light jab, but it caught one of the burly men off guard and sent him flying.

It was certainly a visual bombshell that left Liev and Jet's jaws dropping.

Mona had to weigh less than a hundred pounds, but she could send a man who stood head and shoulders above her flying, slamming into a wall.

There was no telling if the man was dead or alive, but Percy's cousin attacked Mona anyway.

"Hillbreaker!" he bellowed, his voice so thunderous it could shatter mountains.

Still, Mona merely held out a finger and sent him stumbling backward, screaming as he touched his knuckle. "Y-You're Transcendent rank?!"

While the layman had no idea what Percy's cousin was saying, Mona certainly did.

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