
Chapter 1478

With a resounding bellow, Frank's pure vigor projected away from him, condensed and solid, red and black.

It assumed the form of a gigantic arm in the air, seizing the black lion by the neck.

"Die!" Frank growled, and pulverized the black lion with a slap, with the ensuing shockwave of pure vigor destroying the entire ballroom too.

"Hehe… So you are at least worth something!"

Jan was laughing amid the buffeting winds.

He threw away his ink-green coat and whipped out a machete gleaming red, then vaulted over the debris as he leapt toward Frank.

"That blade…"

Frank could tell immediately that the machete Jan whipped out was not your ordinary blade.

At once wary, he projected a spiraling burst of pure vigor around his hand and punched it.


There was a ring clash of metals as the blood machete withstood Frank's punch.

Frank's physicality was now at Ascendant rank, and that meant that the machete was not forged from ordinary metals.

"Hahaha… not bad! It's impressive that y
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