
Chapter 92

Frank did not even look the security guard's way as he stretched out his palm, slapping him across the face!

The man felt like his face had been hit by a truck, and his entire six foot two frame tumbled to the floor with a loud thud!

"Oof…" Everyone gasped—the kid was quite strong!

"Shit…" The burly security guard was in a daze but soon scrambled to his feet and glared at Frank. "Get him!"

The other bodyguards started to charge at Frank, when someone behind them shouted, "What is going on here?!"

Frank turned to see a woman over five feet tall, wearing a white coat and a pair of gold rimmed glasses striding toward them.

Her skin was fair, her figure even—she was no world-class beauty, but a rare one nonetheless.

It was none other than Janet Zimmer, Dan's granddaughter.

The assistant from before hurried to her when he saw her. "Ms. Zimmer, someone was causing a scene."

Janet turned toward Frank suspiciously and demanded, "Who are you?"

"I'm Frank Lawrence," he replied, seeing
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