
Chapter 39

The rest of the week past by quickly enough, quietly enough, save for the new voices in the garden anytime from eleven pm to three am. Not that the main house heard the racket. It was most unfortunately Brian and Nadine that was affected.

The lack of sleep and the over bearing pressure to restore City Gardens seemed to be taking its toll on Brian. He grew paler by the day, and the bags under his eyes sagged even more, until finally he had enough. Early Saturday morning he commandeered his two younger brothers to help him move to House three, and when Luke asked, he simply said Bradley and the girls seemed to be constantly partying.

The boys were still moving Brian’s things when the Mayor’s fancy car pulled up into the driveway. Joe went out to greet the Mayor, but was instead met with Enrico.

“How are you I. Thomas?” Enrico greeted him with a smile.

“Very well thank you and yourself?” Joe replied, somewhat confused.

Joe knew Enrico was one of Mayor McCummins goons, he had seen the man
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