
Chapter 15

Author's POV

Hearing the phone ringing sound, Amelia opened her eyes.

She cursed the person who woke her up early in the morning that too on her off day.

Amelia picked up the call without seeing the id and spoke up," Who?"

"Where are you?" Her boss's favorite rude voice came.

Amelia sat down immediately and looked at the clock. It was 6.10 in the morning.

"Sir, I am at home," Amelia said.

"You're supposed to be here not at your home Ms. Amelia Williams. Did you forget I wanted my coffee at 6?" Ace asked her rudely.

"But sir, it is Sunday. Our off day" Amelia said being confused.

"So? Is there any rule a boss can't work on Sunday? Look, Ms. Williams, an important client is on his way. I want you here within half an hour" Ace said and disconnected the call before Amelia could say something.

"What the hell...." Amelia muttered and ran inside her washroom. After taking a quick shower she came out and wore her dress.

She took her bag then came out.

Her parents were sitting in the living room.

"Baby, are you going on the date this soon?" Jenny asked her.

"Mom, I am not going on the date. I am going to the office" Amelia said to her.

"Office? But it is your off day. Isn't it?" Jenny asked her daughter.

"It was mom. But an important client is coming and being the CEO's PA I need to go to the office" Amelia said.

"But baby the date?" Jenny said.

'I will talk to him, mom. And after the meeting, I will go on the date" Amelia said and left from there.

When she arrived in front of the office it was 6.45 already. The guard opened the gate for her.

Amelia ran inside the office and entered the kitchen first. She made a cup of black coffee, then walked towards her boss's cabin.

When she reached in front of his cabin, she took a deep breath and knocked at the door.

"Come in" When her boss permitted, she entered his cabin.

"Good morning, sir" Amelia greeted him.

Ace looked at her.

"Good morning" Ace greeted her back.

"Your coffee sir," Amelia said and put the cup on his table.

"Good, go work on this file" Ace said and handed her a file.

"Yes sir," Amelia said and took the file. She was about to leave the cabin when Ace called her.

Amelia turned towards him.

"Work here only. No need to go to your cabin" Ace said.

"It's okay sir. I can work in my cabin" Amelia rejected his offer.

"I didn't ask you. It is an order" Ace said.

Amelia rolled off her eyes and went towards the big couch.

She sat down and started checking the file.

Ace gave her a look then started doing his work.

After two hours. Amelia started feeling hungry. She looked at Ace who was working attentively.

"Sir, when will the client come?" Amelia asked him.

"After some time. Why?" Ace asked her.

"Then can I take a ten-minute break? The file is almost done. I will complete it after coming back" Amelia said.

"What will you do with this ten minute break?" Ace asked her.

"I want to eat something," Amelia said.

"You didn't take your breakfast?" Ace asked her and Amelia shook her head.

"Me either. I have already ordered the guard to bring our breakfast. He must be on his way" Ace said.

"Did you order for me also?" Amelia asked him.

"Yes. Because I knew you didn't take your breakfast" Ace replied.

"How did you know this?" Amelia asked him.

"Your voice was sleepy when I called you. Your voice was enough for me to understand that you were sleeping at that time. Then you came here hurriedly" Ace said.

Amelia looked at him with shock when her phone started ringing.

Amelia saw it was her mom.

Amelia stood up to leave the room when Ace spoke up," You can talk here. No need to go outside"

Amelia nodded at him then picked up the call.

"Yes, mom"

"Amelia, where are you? He is here" Jenny said.

"Mom, the meeting has not ended yet. I will come home as soon as it get finished. Please tell him to wait" Amelia said.

"Okay. But try to come soon" Jenny said and disconnected the call.

Amelia put her phone in her bag then started checking the file again.

After some time, they heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," Ace said and the guard entered the cabin with two packets.

"Keep it here," Ace said.

The guard kept the box on the table and left the cabin.

"Ms. Williams if you don't mind, I want a cup of coffee" Ace said.

"Sure, sir," Amelia said and left the cabin.

Ace stood up and opened his drawer then took out a small liquid medicine bottle.

He opened a food box and mixed the medicine in it.

Then he put the bottle in his drawer again.

Soon Amelia entered the room with two cups of coffee.

Ace stood up and picked up the food boxes then went towards the couch.

Amelia also went there.

They sat down.

Ace put a box of food in front of her then opened his box.

Amelia put the coffee cup on the table and picked up her box.

Then they started eating.

Ace completed his food first. He stood up and went to the washroom.

Amelia picked up the boxes and put them in the dustbin. Then she washed her hand.

Ace came out and started working again. Amelia sat down on the couch and yawned a few times. Suddenly, she started feeling sleepy.

Amelia took the file and tried to check it but her eyes started closing, soon she fell asleep.

Ace looked at her and sighed in relief.

He came towards her and put her comfortably on the couch then he took her phone and put it on silent mode.

Then he went back to his table and sat down.

He took a file and started working.

After five hours

Amelia opened her eyes and found herself in her boss's cabin.

Amelia got up immediately and looked at the clock. It was 3 pm.

Amelia looked at Ace.

"Good afternoon, I hope you had a nice sleep," Ace said.

"I am sorry sir," Amelia said.

"It's okay," Ace said.

"Sir the client," Amelia said.

"The meeting is over. You were sleeping so I didn't wake you up" Ace said.

Amelia felt guilty hearing it.

"I am sorry sir," Amelia said.

"It's okay" Ace said.

"Sir, as the meeting is over can I go home now?" Amelia asked him.

"Yes go. I was about to tell you this. Go and pack your bag. We need to leave" Ace said.

"Means?" Amelia asked him.

"We need to leave for Paris. I have an important meeting there. And as you are my PA, you have to accompany me. Our flight is in the evening. You have two hours only" Ace said

Hearing this, Amelia got shocked. If she would go now then what about her date!

Amelia took out her phone and saw five missed calls from her mom.

"Sir, do I really have to accompany you?" Amelia asked him.

"Was I talking in an alien language back then? You are my PA. Of course, you need to come with me. Now let's go. I will drop you at your home" Ace said and took his bag and car key.

"But sir, why so suddenly?" Amelia asked.

Ace looked at her and spoke up, "Okay from next time I will ask my client to take your permission before fixing the meeting. Is that what you want?"

Amelia kept standing there in shock.

"Do I have to give you invitation to come out?" Ace asked standing at the door.

Amelia took her bag immediately and followed him.

Ace dropped her at her home.

"I will come to pick you up after one hour. Get ready" Ace said and drove away before Amelia said something.

She entered her home hurriedly.

Her parents were sitting in the living room being worried.

"Baby, are you okay? Why didn't you answer my call?" Jenny asked her daughter.

"I am sorry mom. My phone was on silent mode. Mom, I need to leave for Paris for a meeting. Our flight is after two hours. I need to pack my clothes" Amelia said.

"Meeting but why suddenly?" Jenny asked.

"I don't know mom. The meeting got fixed suddenly" Amelia said.

"He just left from here. He was waiting for you for five hours. Suddenly, he got a call from the office" Jenny said.

"I am sorry mom. I will meet him after I come back" Amelia said and put some clothes in a bag.

"When will you come back?" Jenny asked her.

"Don't know mom. But very soon" Amelia said while packing.

"Okay. Do your packing carefully" Jenny said and left the room.

Amelia packed her bag and closed it.

She took a dress and entered the washroom. She took a quick shower and came out.

She sat down in front of the dressing table and started drying her hair. After she was done, she wore her dress just then her phone started ringing.

Amelia looked at her phone and saw Ace was calling her.

Amelia took her bag then left her room hurriedly. After she took blessings from her parents, she came out.

Ace opened the car door for her.

Amelia thanked him and got in.

Ace also got in and the driver started the car.

After some time they reached the airport. They both come down.

Ace led her the way. They got on a plane.

"Sir, I think we get on the wrong plane. It is empty" Amelia said.

"It is empty because it is my private plane. Now sit down" Ace said

Amelia nodded then sat down beside Ace. Soon the place took off.

In Paris

Amelia's POV

I didn't know why but I was feeling Ace didn't have any meeting there. It has been three days since we came here. But he didn't even talk about the meeting.

I have tried to ask him about it but he avoided my question all the time.

Thinking this I looked out the window when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said and a maid entered my room.

"Ma'am, sir tell you to get ready for the meeting," The maid said.

"At last" I muttered.

"Okay," I said and she left. We didn't stay in a hotel. Ace had an apartment here. We were staying here.

I took my dress and entered the washroom. After I freshened up, I changed my dress and came out.

Taking my bag, I left my room.

Ace was waiting in the living room.

Soon we left for the meeting.

We went to a big hotel.

A waiter led us the way. When we entered almost everyone was already present there.

Ace took his seat and I stood behind him.

Soon the meeting got started. But I felt a gaze on me. When I looked up I saw a man around Ace's age. He was looking at him cheaply. His looking style was enough to understand that he was not a good man.

I felt nervous when I felt someone holding my hand.

I looked down at my hand and found Ace was holding it. He looked at me with a questioning look.

I shook my head.

After one hour the meeting ended and luckily Ace got the deal. We left the room.

"Shall we take our dinner here?" Ace asked me.

"Okay," I said then we took a table.

Ace ordered food for us.

After some time a waiter came and put our food on the table.

"As the meeting is over. Will we go back tomorrow?" I asked him.

Hearing this, he got nervous.

"No. I have one more important thing to take care of. And I need your help in it" Ace said.

"What work and what help?" I asked him.

"I will tell you soon, now eat" Ace said.

Then we started eating our food.

When we were done a waiter came there with the bill.

Ace paid the bill and we stood up. I was about to turn when a waiter bumped into me and the juice he was carrying fell on my dress.

"Shit, are you okay?" Ace asked and handed me his handkerchief.

"I am okay," I said and took the handkerchief.

"I am so sorry ma'am. I didn't know you would stand up." The waiter said.

Ace was about to say something but I cut him off and spoke up, "It's okay"

"I need to clean it. Where is the washroom?" I asked Ace

"Left then right. Shall I come with you?" Ace asked me

"No. You sit here. I will be back" Saying this I started walking towards the wash room.

After cleaning my dress I came out of the washroom. I was going back suddenly, someone pulled my hand roughly and covered my mouth preventing me from screaming..

I tried to free myself but his hold was so tight. Soon he pushed me inside a room.

I turned towards him. It was the same man who was looking at me cheaply.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted at him.

"Calm down sweetheart. No need to get angry. You know you are very beautiful. The PA job doesn't suit you. Leave the job and come with me. I will make you a model" He said.

"I don't need it," I said.

"Why not? You will be rich. Very nice. And don't worry I will please you in the bed just like Ace King does. And trust me I will make you happier." He said disgustingly.

Hearing this I felt very angry. Without thinking anything I slapped him hard.

"Don't you dare you bastard" I shouted and turned to leave the room when I felt a pain in my neck.

I turned and saw an injection in his hand.

"What did you do?" I asked him.

My vision got blurry suddenly.

"Nothing sweetheart. It is a sexual medicine. After some time you will start burning in desire. Then you will beg to me to fu#k you" He said and my blood went cold.

I tried to run from the room and he held my hand and pushed me against the wall and started choking me.

"I have tried to go easy on you bitch but I think you need treatment," He said and slapped me.

The force was hard. I fell on the ground.

I shouted for help when he came up to me.

"This is a storeroom, no one can hear you," He said and tied my mouth with his handkerchief.

I used my strength and pushed him. He fell on the ground. I stood and ran towards the door when I felt a great pain in my hand.

He hit me with a rod. I felt all my energy left my body.

I fell on the ground.

He picked up me and put me on a table then tied up my hands and legs.

"I like to force on girls. Let me have you forcefully. When the medicine will start working, I will shoot it and send it to the media. I will use it against your boss's reputation. He is flying too high. His wings need to be cut down" He said and tore my dress.

I shouted but no word came out of my mouth.

I saw him removing his dress.

Was it really my end?

Was I going to die being raped?

Ace where are you?

Please save me

My heart cried out.

I saw the man coming towards me when the darkness took over me.

Last free chapter

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goodnovel comment avatar
Jocelyn Raguine
waiting for the next chapter ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Virginia Remegio
so sad and scary ..what will happen .now
goodnovel comment avatar
Nomi Say204
open the next page not clear

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