

I stole back to my Dads’ house under a thin and wavering cover of clouds. Sharp rays of early morning sunlight pierced through easily. I blinked blearily, struggling to comprehend everything I’d learnt in the night.

I wasn’t sure that Veronica could be trusted, but I had to hope my gut instinct was right. She didn’t seem like a monster. She seemed like a terrified child, dragged kicking and screaming into a world she didn’t understand.

As a hunter, it was my duty to protect the innocent. We’d failed Veronica once. I wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

I hugged the exterior of the house, wary of being seen by my Dads. Now that I had the information we needed from Veronica, I was worried that they’d see her as I had initially: as part of the darkness, not the light. I’d never heard of a way to make a vampire human again, but maybe there was some lore on it, tucked awa

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