
2. Enemies Unite

After my meeting with Jakob and Jace, I was left with more questions than answers. I felt like someone was having one over me. 

...1 Hour Earlier...

"So what do I owe this pleasure?" Jakob asks, turning to look at both Jace and me. He attempts to hide a scowl on his face upon looking at Jace, knowing full well that matters are truly serious if Jace needs to be in attendance.

"We've come to ask you some questions. But before I ask my questions, I want you to know the gravity of the situation." I begin, knowing that I'll only get answers out of Jakob if I appeal to his parenthood. Being a parent myself, I'd appreciate someone being honest and open with me, as opposed to upfront and demanding answers about my child.

"Go on." Jakob comments, pointing towards the empty chairs in front of his desk for Jace and me to take a seat. Both Jace and I nod and take our seats as Jakob follows suit.

"I can only guess that if you're both here, then it's because of a more personal matter, perhaps?" Jakob inquires with a raised brow.

"I'm afraid so. But before I get into things, I want to explain a more private matter." I reply, once again avoiding asking my questions right off the bat in hopes of a better outcome. I'd prefer to keep the information pertaining to Sienna's kidnapping in-house. However, it has become impossible, especially in light of the new information we have.

Jakob sits back in his chair and nods.

"A week ago, Sienna went missing." I begin, watching Jakob's eyebrows raise.

"We believed at the time that Sienna was being held hostage to be used as a bargaining chip to get Brio."

"Something changed?" Jakob asks, jumping ahead. I nod my head in response, knowing there's no hiding anything from Jakob. He's brilliant.

"Yes. At first, we had reason to believe the Reaper was behind Sienna's kidnapping. However, we just found some new information that points otherwise."

"What would that be?" Jakob asks. I hold my breath, preparing myself for Jakob's answer. Knowing regardless of what he says, it will be bad regardless. If Chase did, in fact, have a son, then there's a very high chance we're dealing with someone just as sick as he was. If Chase didn't have a son, then we're left with more questions as to who could behind this and why.

"Do you have a grandchild?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

Jakob goes silent, clearly not anticipating my line of questioning. The tension in the room is at an all-time high. However, we all remain silent. 

After a moment, Jakob sighs and runs his hand over his face as his shoulders slouch.

"I'm going to take a guess that you're asking me this, as you believe he may be involved with this." Jakob states, looking at me.

"So it's true. You do have a grandson." I state, not missing how Jakob went straight to say, Grandson.

"Yes. I can also tell that you seem to be aware of who the father is." Jakob inquired, not once turning his gaze from me.

"Chase Finch." I state, retelling what Jace told me earlier.

Jakob nods his head in agreement.

"So why the secrecy? Why not raise him as your own?" I ask.

"I'm surprised you, out of all people, are the one to ask me that. What Scarlett and that miscreant did under the Johnson name will forever tarnish my legacy. I wanted to be separated from everything that took place. Once it made the news of Scarlett's involvement, our stocks dropped drastically. Venders everywhere were pulling out. If it weren't for your trust to partner with Brio, we would be going into bankruptcy by the end of the year." Jakob confesses.

I remain silent, surprised by his confession. I had known his stocks had taken a dive after everything that happened, but I hadn't realized it had affected him so much. Now that I take a better look at him, I can see signs of stress throughout his body. Worry lines plague his face, and he's lost a significant amount of weight and hair. When I had seen him earlier in the week, I had just assumed it was old age. 

"So, what do you know about this grandson of yours?" I ask, wanting to know how much of his life he had been involved in.

"Not much, other than I know that he's alive. When Scarlett had him, I made her put him up for adoption. There was no way I would allow our family to be associated with such a hoodlum. So I cut all ties to him. I didn't even want to know his name. I thought the less I knew, the better. However, I also made sure to have any connection to me and my family redacted. So there shouldn't have been any way for him to know who his true birth parents were." Jakob sighs, visibly upset. Regardless of whatever protocols Jakob had taken, it was clear that Silvio managed to get his hands on the documents.

I nod my head. Understanding his side of things. I can't say whether or not I would've made the same decision as he did. But dwelling on mindless aspects is just a waste of time in the grand scheme of things. Right now, Silvio's upbringing is the least of my importance. My focus is on Sienna and anything that would be of help to save her. As if reading my mind, Jace takes control of the room.

"We came here today, as we have information pointing to Silvio being the ring leader of Sienna's kidnapping. We were hoping to figure out his motives to see whether we could get ahead of him."

"I understand. Though, unfortunately, I don't have anything information that could be of any use to you."

"Actually, that's not quite true. You've actually helped us much more than you think." Jace says, standing up with a smile on his face.

"I did? How so?" Jakob asks, clearly confused. Though I can't deny I'm just as stumped.

"You just told us about how the documents on him had been redacted. Which meant that it should be impossible to get the true information needed in the documents to pinpoint it back to you." Jace explains, making the lightbulb in my head go off.

"You think someone is helping him." I state, turning to Jace.

"Exactly. We already know of Kevin Westshire's involvement. But we have long since suspected that Lucas Sheffield is involved as well." Jace explains, making me sit down. I can't believe this is happening again. Once again, my long-term friend and Haley's ex have partnered to take us down. It's as though nothing's changed.

"So, in other words, if you want to go after my grandson, you need to go after Lucas." Jakob states when an idea comes to mind.

"Actually, no. We don't need to do that." I state.

"What do you mean?" Jace asks, looking confused. I could tell he thought he was getting somewhere. However, for the first time in a long time, the ball was finally in my court.

"We're overlooking one big detail." I state as I get up from my chair to look out the office windows.

"And that would be?" Jace asks.

"Lucas and I used to be friends. We went to school together, which means I know how he thinks. So in order to get ahead of this, I need to think like Lucas. What would he do?" I explain, turning around to look at both of them.

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