
A Partnership of Enemies

Lucian stood up gracefully from his seat, his eyes locked with Peterson, the vampire who exuded an air of sophistication in his impeccably tailored grey suit and stylish Italian shoes. The intensity of their gaze gave way to laughter as they warmly embraced, the weight of their shared history evident in their reunion.

"Welcome, my dear Peterson. Your presence is a pleasant surprise," Lucian greeted him, a genuine smile playing on his lips.

Peterson glanced around the vibrant party scene, his eyes lingering on the lifeless body of Greyjoy sprawled on the ring. "Quite the spectacle you've orchestrated here, my friend," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Lucian chuckled, his laughter resonating with a mix of satisfaction and dark humor. "Indeed. But let's find a quieter corner to converse and indulge ourselves in a drink," he suggested, his arm affectionately draped over Peterson's shoulder as they strolled away, their laughter fading into the distance.

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