

Dr. Ellen stammered some words, her voice shaking as she fought to regain her composure. “ know what, I don't have to explain myself to you,” she said, her tone filled with frustration and hurt. “Let's just return to how we were before for the past 16 years, me being myself and you being lost.” With that, she marched straight to her car, her steps quick and determined, entered into it, then sped off, the sound of her engine roaring into the distance.

Adams just had the feeling inside that Lucian's show of charity was just an act to cover up something evil he was planning. Maybe it was because of the things he had seen in Lucian's mansion that night, but whatever the case may be, he just couldn't bring himself to believe that Lucian was one of the good guys. Adams kept stealing glances at Lucian throughout the journey, trying to gauge his true intentions. Despite his suspicions, Lucian looked so relaxed and calm inside the comfort of the limo seat, his posture co
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