
Good Man

Tori's POV

“What do you mean?” I ask looking back at Hanzo who grows tense and growls as he pulls my seat out.

“Hanzo has always been a good man, better than our father to say the least. He was never enough and when he got into trouble for helping or protecting someone, he’d get the shit beat out of him,” Hana explains, I look up at Hanzo who is glaring daggers at his sister. He shakes his head before walking out the back door onto the deck, slamming the door.

“What?” I question looking to the door as my heart races from his anger. “He also got beat a lot from protecting me from other men,” Hana answers with a sad look. I hesitate to get up to see what I can do to help him.

“Go, he needs you,” She watches me debate whether to go out or not. I nod and walk out on to the deck where Hanzo is sitting on the bed looking out on the lake. I quietly walk over and crawl onto the bed behind Hanzo while standing up on my knees, Reika urging me to comfort him.

“Hanzo,” I whisper, making him growl
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