
~ Prologue - Season IV ~

After Robert disappeared from my sight, the two servants and I headed to the exit with Wonder.

They then walked closer with me. One of them remarked, “It is quite amazing how the prince was able to tame the champion.”

“I agree. Even our most skilled and experienced trainers were unable to accomplish such a thing,” the other added.

The previous servant continued, “He is truly a man of skills.”

Our bright and cheerful conversation was suddenly interrupted when a pot broke from behind us. The two servants rushed over to the flower bed that was in front of a window.

“What was that?” I asked as they crouched down near the flower bed.

One of them reached out to it as I slowly walked towards them. “There is nothing to be worried about, my lady,” he said as he held a piece from the pot. “One of the flower pots just broke.”

“How is it possible that it broke? No one threw anything at it,” the other servant asked.

My heart pounded harder after that remark. Fear rose from inside of me. My
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