
Chapter 11

I quit teaching and worked as a soup- kitchen food chopper. When I still couldn't go back to teaching, I got a job as a 'gofer' at a florist. " She didn't mention why she left there. She took a deep breath. "I won't ever risk another involvement, it's to much to bear."

Luke said, "I had a similar experience. My wife was sleeping with a friend during the day. She cleaned me out with a divorce. The man was married and had kids. How could I point the finger at him? It would have wrecked his wife. I'd never marry again, either. "

" Who' have you? " Georgia smiled a little.

" You're a workaholic! All you think about is business."

" Occasionally, I do have other thoughts." He grinned at her.

He worked hard in j

his sturdy. The phone rang, he used the computer, Mac brought prapers, and then there was Georgia who was Grasshopper to Luke's industrious Ant.

She was bored and restless. By the third morning of her detention, she again fixed breakfast. Luke appreciated her efforts. Mac came as us
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