

Giovanni stared at the lady in front of him in deep inspection, recalling his memory to remember her if he ever met her.

"Was Enzo Salvatore your brother because I remember you correctly, Signore? I went to the same university but then my father arranged my marriage and I had to quit my studies." Elena asked again.

"Elena Gellini?" Giovanni asked as he recalled the name from deep buried memories of his youth.

"sì soon io, Signore," Elena replied with a smile and Giovanni blinked to process the information. The girl he once was mad about is standing in front of him after decades. Giovanni couldn't believe it. He recalled the heartbreak he felt when she suddenly stopped coming to University and his brother handled him out of heartache. Then he started his journey becoming what he is today.

"Is this you, Topolina,(little mouse)" Giovanni asked Elena who smiled. "I am, I can't believe we are meeting here like this, Gio. And our Grandchildren are getting married." She said smiling.

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Juicy Miss
Asher really needs to seek therapy
goodnovel comment avatar
i hope Asher don't do anything stupid

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