

Asher was smiling ear to ear, the day had finally arrived when his brother would have what had always been rightfully, his.

"We will be celebrating your coronation tonight, Eldy. I have fantastic ideas to celebrate that."

Aaron closed his eyes and sighed. He felt as if a weight was going to lift off his shoulder in a few minutes. He had waited for a long time for this moment. A very long painful period of time to be crowned as the Capo dei Capi of Cosa Nostra.

"I am going to book the whole club…"

"You will not do such a thing. After today, people will look upon you to behave seriously, Ash. You will stand beside me. Don't forget you will be initiated on your twenty-first birthday and I want you to take over immediately. Riccardo is loyal but I don't want him beside me. I want to start something new in Cosa Nostra and that won't be possible with old people."

Asher frowned. "But Eldy, Riccardo doesn't want to retire. I heard him talking to Nonno and Father last night. He plans to stay f
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Oh no damn it why Flavio
goodnovel comment avatar
Blessing Habila
Aaron show choose his own right hand

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