

Chapter 13 - Trapped

                I was woken by light streaming through pale blue sheer curtains. The sunlight bouncing off of the colors, and making the entire room look as though it was underwater. I groaned, and rolled over, pulling the soft covers above my head to block out the brightness that was invading my senses. Warmth surrounded me and the large fluffy pillows molded around my body, if I could, I would happily die in the heaven that was this bed.

I was just drifting back off into sleep when two loud bangs sounded on the door, causing me to shoot up out of bed. Heart pounding in my chest. I listened for the normal creaking and grinding of the iron lock shifting, but when it never came, I inched closer to the large wooden door. A small piece of white paper was laying on the stone by the door, obviously slid under through the small gap in a hurry. I picked it up and unfolded it to see quickly written words scribbled across the page.

Training grounds, fifteen minutes.’ The black ink was smudged in the corner, the words careless. I guess the prince preferred not to speak to me unless he was forced to. I sighed, and crumpled the paper into a little ball, throwing it over my shoulder before walking to the tiny closet.

                “You’re not getting out of it this time Aspen.” I said to no one, and started sifting through the immense amount of clothing in the small walk-in closet. Every kind of fabric hung on small padded hangers. Long dresses in every color shimmered under the light, made out of the softest satin and silk only a king could afford. Shelves were stacked with pants and t-shirts, and there was even an entire shelf just for different kinds of under garments. I picked up a small black and red lacy piece, holding it up to the light to get a good look at it before tossing it aside. Who even needed that many buckles on a pair of underwear?

 I continued my search for pants, and managed to dig out a pair of black leggings, and a black sports bra. He didn’t actual state what we would be doing, so I may as well be ready to get a work out. I threw them on, and pulled my long unruly black hair up into a ponytail. I felt the iron bracelet slide up and down my arm with every movement, and tried not to wince as it left small burns freckled across my arm and wrist. I snagged a pair of black running shoes that were nestled next to a pair of incredibly high stiletto heels in the corner of the closet before making my escape from the little room.

I set the shoes down, and stepped into the bathroom. Quickly washing my face with a soft wash cloth, and brushing my teeth. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the mirror, and winced. With all the make up washed from my face, the bruises from the past few days stood out in large marks on my pale skin. My usual black and curly hair, hung dull and limp in the ponytail, and my green eyes fell flat as I stared back at myself. I guess fighting grown men for two days would do that to you, and I was sure the prince would add a few of his own during our training sessions.

I sighed; he was an entire problem on his own. The Prince of Vura was known to be cold hearted and cruel. Prince Devin was revered by the humans for his fierceness in battle, but also the barbaric nature towards anyone who stepped up to him. Stories were told through my people about him killing even children and women to get whatever he was after, and in the most horrific ways imaginable. At age eighteen he was leading the imperial army, and now at age twenty-one he had already been victorious in hundreds of battles. He had been bred to be a warrior, and now I was forced into being his new punching bag. I was fearful of the creatures that lurked in the dark corners of this kingdom, but more so of the blue and brown eyed man that I was about to be faced with.

                ‘He did save you though.’ I thought to myself, thinking how he pushed me behind him and away from his men in the prison. He had pulled me into his shoulder, and the smell of lavender and pine had rushed my senses. His stunning mis-matched eyes fierce and full of anger as he looked at his men; his biceps rippling under the tight t-shirt he had been wearing with every clench of his fist.

I shook my head, ponytail whipping around my head, as I felt warmth spread through my belly, up my neck and across my face. What was I even thinking, having thoughts about the prince? I must be going as insane as the king being locked up in here. I slapped both my cheeks trying to knock some sense into myself.

I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, and pulled the black running shoes onto my feet. Taking a few steps to make sure they were comfortable, and of course they fit perfectly. I walked over to the door, waited. Within a couple minutes, the loud creaking of the metal lock sounded through the door as the latch was lifted from the lock. The door swung open, and the guards Marcus and Simon stood on the other side waiting for me. Marcus, the larger one, stood at least six feet talk and looked to be made out of brick. His hair was cut short to his head, and he had had a thin scar that ran across his left cheekbone from his thin mouth to his ear. While his counterpart Simon, stood just a little taller than my five foot one, and was made of skin and bone. His face was thin and pointed with a large and long crooked nose, and his small beady black eyes made him look like an ugly rat. Both were dressed in matching red guard uniforms with thick leather boots on their feet. The only difference being the long steel swords that hung on their right hips. Marcus’ hilt was wrapped in worn and cracked leather, while Simons looked brand new. No doubt only of them had actually seen a battlefield.

                “Let’s go.” Simon, the smaller of the two sneered at me, as I stepped out into the hallway. Marcus closed the door behind me, and both of the guards flanked me on either side. I guess these were my personal prison guards while I was here. We walked down a small hallway and to a long set of stone spiraling steps. Large windowed doors sat at the bottom of the stairwell, and Marcus stepped ahead to push them open. We stepped out into the bright sun, and a light breeze blew around the small hairs that were framing my face. I took a deep breath of the fresh air, and held my arms out in front of me to soak in the warm sun. It felt like it had been forever since I had actually seen the outside. Marcus and Simon stepped away from me, and I looked around the large training grounds.

The entire area was fenced in to create a large rectangular area. The entirety of the field was covered in a thick brown dirt with small patches of grass growing against the wood of the tall fencing. Four round targets were set up along the right side of the grounds, and a couple small blue tumbling mats were laid out on the other side. In the center of it all was a large round platform that was raised about three feet from the ground. Standing in the center of that platform was none other than the prince himself, turned around with his back to us.

Devin was wearing, what seemed to be his usual long gray sweatpants, and a blue cut off t-shirt that showed off the large muscles in his arms. His blond hair was windswept around his head, and shined in the light of the morning. Sweat moved down his face in small drops, hitting small stubble that was growing from a day of not shaving. It looked as though he had been working out while waiting for us to get there. I could feel the heat moving through my body again, doing my best to ignore it as I took in every handsome detail about him.

The feeling didn’t last long, though, as he heard our approaching footsteps and turned towards us. His blue and brown eyes not hiding any of his disgust as he looked down at me.

                “Took you long enough.” He snapped, and jumped down from the platform, taking a few long strides to meet us on the field. “I don’t have all day to waste on you creature.” He spat, and pointed a finger in my face accusingly. I felt my face flush with anger, and I heard Simon chuckle under his breath at the derogatory remark. I crinkled my nose in disgust at the prince, and waved his finger away from my face.

                “It’s not like I want to be here with a spoiled prince either.” I spat back at him. I watched anger burn through his eyes as the skin on his neck turned red. He looked away, and glanced over at the guards who stood behind me.

                “Leave, and be back in one hour. Although, I doubt she’ll even make it that long after that remark.” He smirked, and the two men retreated back through the door we came from. Leaving us alone in the empty field. I continued to glare at him even as looked back down at me. “Alright little faerie, lets show you who is actually in charge here.

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