
Chapter 165


When I get home, I don't see Sully's patrol SUV, which means he's probably still on-shift. Until right now, I didn't realize how much I look forward to seeing him at the end of a stressful day.

Reaching in, I grab my briefcase and drag myself up the stairs to my apartment. Going into an empty living room is not what I want to do, but it's the life I have right now.

It's nights like these I wish I had the life of most of the friends I've made here in Laurel Springs. Everyone is married with kids, or fixing to get married.

They're settled.

And I'm not.

All the plans I had for myself seem to have never come to fruition, except being a lawyer. I love my job and I'm incredibly proud of what I've done, but none of my personal goals have been achieved.

I'm not married, no kids, not even a prospect. Granted, Sully and I are getting closer, but who knows how close we'll get. Who knows how far it'll go – it's just as likely we'll burn hot and fizzle out - as is it we'll
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