
Chapter 193


My chest clenches when I watch them take Eden back. As an EMT everyone I deal with is my responsibility and I take it personally - making sure they're okay. With her, I can't do that. Not when I've turned her care over to someone else.

I want to be back in the operating room with her. To be sure the team attending to her is doing everything they can to make sure she's safe.

Rolling her cell phone over in my palm, I decide to call her mom and get this over with. Thumbing through her contacts, I see Mama with hearts and flowers next to it. The picture shows a white woman, who looks so much like Eden it makes me grin.

Putting my finger on the phone icon to connect, I cross my arm over my chest and wait for her to pick up. It happens on the second ring.

"Eden, are you okay? I got your text last night, but it didn't sound like you."

"Ma'am." I do my best to slow her down. Even though she's talking quickly, I recognize the soft voice of her daughter. This must be who Ede
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