
Chapter 6 – The difference of a few days

Mina POV


As the mud cradled her, its chill seeping into her bones, preparing her for the sweet kiss of death at the warrior’s hands, Mina couldn’t help but wonder where everything had started to go wrong. The obvious answer was the moment she let her pheromones free at the choosing ceremony, exposing herself to doubts when Alastor became her mate, but she couldn’t help but feel like it went further back.  

For years she had been trained by her mother to be the perfect Luna. She couldn’t look in a mirror anymore without correcting her form as if her mother’s critiques always rang in her head. She kept a respectable distance from the pack and always did her duty, but Oliver was right. It didn’t come naturally to her. No matter how many times she was corrected, her posture would slip. No matter how many times she would be reminded, a carefree smile would slip past her composure when the sunlight warmed her face. No matter how much she practised, she didn’t have the grace of the other Legacy Lunas.  

At the Luna court, just a few days ago, Mina had faced all those failures in one day. 

The grand doors of the Diamond Ridge packhouse had opened wide to welcome her to the court of the nation's leaders. It was her first time being presented as the Clear Blue Luna, though she wouldn’t officially take the title for another week. First impressions were important and yet scrutiny and scowls greeted her. She crumpled under their looks, chancing a glance at her reflection. Mina’s hands worried over her dress, smoothing the pale blue fabric until every non-existent crease was perfectly flat, but it was too late. They had already broken her composure.  

How could she be a leader of one of the original three packs, if one look could make her unsteady? 

Practised pride straightened her back and carried her forward, as she regained her control. It was regal with every hour of her gruelling training, but not natural. Wolves watched her as she entered the hall, her entourage in tow. The guests raked critical gazes over her body, harsh now they had already seen the cracks, hungry to watch her break. She squared her shoulders, keeping her head held high. She had already faltered once, she couldn’t again. She was a Skye wolf, a Goddess-blessed Legacy Luna, fated to wield power they couldn’t dream of. She just had to remember that.  

“It’s odd at first, isn’t it?” A sweet voice was at her side when she settled into the room. “So many women all in one space. It takes my breath away every time.”   


Though each Luna was accompanied by their unit, keeping the ratio in favour of the men, there was a shiver of feminine power in the air. Mina inhaled it, letting it wash through her, strengthen her.  


“It’s beautiful. You are a marvellous hostess, Luna Chelsea.” She dipped her head to her ally, enjoying the way she beamed as bright as her pack’s namesake.  


The Luna’s musical laugh lifted around her, making her look even more beautiful in her diamond and silver encrusted dress. However, it was the aura of strength that wrapped around her that earned the nation’s respect. Diamond Ridge were the host of this month’s Luna court, a small blessing for Mina's first attendance. They were Clear Blue’s allies, wolves she trusted. As the youngest wolf at the court, she’d take every blessing she could get, including a friend greeting her when so many just stared.  

Sam stepped to her side and dipped his head. “Since my sister has more than enough company, could we escort you around, Luna Chelsea?” 

The Luna paused to give Mina a flute of champagne, before she slipped a hand into the crook of his elbow with familiar ease. Sam gave Mina a soft, reassuring, smile before guiding their host away. He knew how nervous she was, but it was her challenge to conquer. He couldn't help her this time. His mate, Chloe, left with them, content to follow him. She was sweet, a friend, and far better with other wolves than Mina ever was. She often wondered if Chloe would’ve made a better Luna than her. As the mate of the current Luna’s son, she would’ve had the position if not for Williamina.

The trio glided off; Chelsea radiant among them. She was the perfect example of what a Luna should be, carrying the burden of her heritage as easily and poignant as a crown. Mina aspired to be like her, to learn from her. There were only a few years between them and yet, the difference felt vast. 

There were three original packs and therefore three Lunas who led them; Chelsea, Mina and Evelyn of the Golden Spring pack. Leadership thrummed in their veins but there was also something more. Something that made the packs flourish in ways ordinary packs never could. Something that gave them, and their units, abilities no other wolf could wield.   

Evelyn had two mates and two abilities, Chelsea had one so far, but she was still young and would likely find another soon. Mina would get her first power when she completed her mate bond with Owen. Maybe then, she’d carry the same grace as the other two women. Excitement shivered at her fingertips when she reached for him. Without a word, Owen slipped his hand into hers. They only had to wait a few more days to officially become each other's. 


A snort to her right jerked her head as if he had grabbed her chin and yanked it himself. She speared Alastor with a glare that silenced him, but wasn’t quite capable of stealing his smirk. She narrowed her gaze, her tongue sharpening, readying to strike, when Owen squeezed her hand. It was an immediate comfort, rescuing her attention from the eldest Hayre brother.   


“Ignore him.” A low whisper brushed against her ear. “He’s a jackass.”    


“Yes. He is.” She huffed, flicking her mane of black hair over her shoulder.   

Owen smiled down at her, moving her hand to the crook of his elbow. He was so handsome with warm features, a gentle smile and deep eyes. They filled her with a sweet glow that quelled her temper every time his brother wound her up. 

The eldest Hayre brother had been as bitter to attend the court as she was to have him, but Mina couldn’t deny his presence helped. Though the official purpose of the Luna courts was purely to discuss national matters, it was a breeding ground for gossip, forging new alliances and picking a target. A political target, of course. As leaders, the Lunas wouldn’t directly attack each other at such meetings. However, out of them, all bets were off. Alastor had attended with her mother before and could guide her through the political minefield, though her only job at this court was to attend. Her role next month, when she was scheduled to host, would be far different.  

However, his experience wasn’t much use as he huffed and stalked off into the crowd. Mina tried to not let it annoy her, but her attention struggled to deviate from him. Even as she worked the room, speaking to her pack’s allies, her gaze would drift, looking for his soft quaff of hair above the crowd. Especially after Owen excused himself. 


Mina was considering who to talk to next, when her attention snagged on the elder Hayre brother again. Rather than be at her side, Alastor was approaching a nearby Luna with two glasses of champagne, much to her unit’s chagrin. Her cheeks heated as he ignored their glares, leaning against the wall in an arrogant slump that matched the smirk pulling across his lips. The Luna giggled and Mina had to wonder how witty he could be. He never offered her more than a cutting word or two.   


She watched him, sipping her champagne, but quickly stopped when her stomach turned with its bubbles. Alastor leaned closer to the Luna, her unit tensing, their canines starting to lengthen, but he was seemingly oblivious. With his mussed hair and blase demeanour, Mina questioned his warrior capabilities. Did he not realise he was about to cause a scene? Her jaw tightened as he caught a loose strand of the Luna's hair, correcting it with a twirl of his finger, but her eyes flared as the unit behind her stepped to her defence. Honestly, did he always have to cause her grief?  


With a huff, Mina marched towards him, bunching the skirt of her dress in two fists. Her glare drilled into her loose cannon of a warrior, and she considered how she’d instruct his family to reprimand him for such behaviour. An event as serious as the Luna Court needed more decorum than Alastor portrayed. 


Suddenly, her path was blocked. Without caring to check whose torso she had almost bumped into, she gave a curt nod and moved to veer around them, but the body blocked her again. Mina glared up at the man. He was tall, a looming height that tried to make her shrink, but she stood against it, holding his gaze even as a shiver traced her spine.     


“Williamina Skye.” Her name sounded oily on his lips. “Finally, a woman I see. Congratulations Luna.” He dipped his head, not far enough to hold the respect she deserved.    


“I officially take my position in a week, but I’ll accept your good faith early, mister...” She trailed off, unable to place him. He wasn’t from their allied packs.   


“Alpha.” He corrected but offered no name.   


He didn’t need to. There was only one Alpha in the nation, a man every Luna despised. The leader of the Blood Mountain pack. Icy dread sliced through her veins and, in her struggle to keep her composure, the man collected her hand and lifted it to his lips. It took everything in her not to flinch.    


In a blink, the chill of his grip was replaced by a comforting warmth. It guided her hand back to her side before its touch hovered at her waist.    


“Alpha Castriel, what an unpleasant surprise.” Alastor sneered, manoeuvring Mina with the barest touch to the base of her back so she stood slightly behind him. 


The two men watched each other with eerily polite smiles, neither looking away. A thick tension wound between the pair, but her warrior's easy stance didn't falter.


“This has been delightful.” Castriel chuckled, snapping out of his stare-off with Alastor. “I wonder if you’ll be around to interrupt me next time.” His dark eyes brushed over her, chilling her as if she stood alone.  


It wasn’t until Castriel had walked away and Alastor's touch drifted to her shoulders did she realise how tense he had made her. She forced herself to fix her composure, but it was shakier than before.   


“Are you alright?” Alastor crouched down, a frown creasing his brow, though she could barely see it with the night sky behind him. 

Wait. No. He hadn’t checked to see if she was okay. He had glared at his brother, as Owen rushed to help, and stalked off again. Probably to chat up another Luna.  

“Princess, talk to me.” His voice was soothing, and she was sure his eyes were laced with concern. However, those eyes had only watched her from afar at the court, so how could she see them so clearly? Clear enough to count each golden fleck amongst the hazel.

His palm cupped her cheek, drawing warmth against her stone-cold skin. “Shit, Princess, we need to warm you up.”  

Mina jerked back to the present as a blanket covered her body. The memories of the Luna court melted away, leaving her alone in the mud once more. That’s right. She had lost everything that she had only started to gain that day. Everything that was hers by birthright was gone. She was a rogue, and she was alone.

“Damn it, Princess. Talk to me.”  

Large arms wrapped tight around her, drawing her against a warm body. Her eyes blinked open, unfocused and blurry. The man peered down at her, hazel eyes so strong against the night. She couldn’t see him clearly, but her soul recognised him.    



Sian Fleming

A little flashback for you all. On to an Alastor POV chapter next. :)

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Danielle Rainey
Poor Mina …. I’m happy Alastor followed her :)

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