
Chapter 17


I was standing at the door when I heard a knock on the door. I took my time and after a few seconds opened the door. It was the same maid who came earlier. She was standing on the doorstep holding a tray in her hands.

I smiled at her and noticed the two men whose conversation I've heard. They gave me not so pleasing looks and I chose to ignore them.

Growing up with myself has always taught me to always save energy for the biggest problem. Wasting my time on them now will give nothing.

I told her to enter inside. She placed the tray on the table and then she carefully arranged the food on the plate. After she was done she served me.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked her politely. She looked petrified hearing my question. I didn't even ask her the question yet. Her reaction made me think again whether I should ask her or not.

"How long have you been working here?" I asked. She frowned at my question.

"15 yrs" She replied in a low tone. I smiled at her in understanding. Working fifteen years in the same place means she knows everything about this place from the basement to entrance. God! Why didn't I meet her before?

My escape would have been easier. She was staring at me now in a very creepy way. I acted like her stare didn't affect me but in reality her stare was scaring me.

"You are the only women who had stayed here this long" she said,her eyes softening as she spoke those words. I knew some things which she didn't know. I was here only for a purpose once that purpose is fulfilled I will be gone.

They were good to me because they are going to use me for their benefit. That is the biggest reason I wanted to escape. I have been living my life according to others so for once I want to try to live for myself.

I just shook my head. I took the first bite from the plate and was blown away by the taste. It was so delicious that my taste buds started watering.

I complimented her about the food and she gave me a genuine smile. I was so immersed in the food that I forgot I had to ask her more questions.

"Can I ask you your name?" I asked her casually. My focus was on the food so she would not doubt me. It's not like I was collecting information or was I ??

"Oh Dear," she said and came to sir next to me. Now what? Why are people so difficult to understand? Out of nowhere she started patting my back and without saying anything for a few minutes stayed close to me.

Now what should I do, offer her the food maybe? I pushed my plate on her side but she stopped me.

"Thank you dear, you are very kind but I had my breakfast before." She said slowly and again continued saying.

It's just that no one had ever asked me my name"she said slowly. I looked at her puzzled. Don't you dare say, you forgot your name because no one had asked your name.

"My name is Roseline Albert Tasla" she replied proudly and I was so thankful that she didn't forget her own name like I did.

"It's a very beautiful name" I said to her.

"My name is…Ly" she cut me in between.

"Lyra '' she interrupted in the middle and completed my sentence. This means all the people here know about me and I am the only one who knows the names of only three people.

I laughed at her childlessness and she laughed with me. We then talked about some random things. I noticed she loved cooking as much as me and the conversation would never end. I do have to admit she knew so many dishes compared to me. Fifteen years is a long time.

"People are rushing outside. Is someone coming?" I said to her casually like I was least bothered by all of it and acted very normal in front of her.

"Ooh Dear, you didn't know Second, Madam is coming today to meet young Master" she told me and I guessed she would be the reason today for my escape or my trap.

"She is a very kind lady," she added. she must have noticed the tension in my face. Everybody is kind before they meet me and after that they turn into the worst animals.

We were just having the conversation when Marco entered the room without knocking. He stood at the door looking at both of us. Seeing Marco Roseline stood up and went to the corner.

I knew looking at Marco was not going to benefit me so I continued eating my food. I looked at Roseline and she was gesturing to me to stand up from the chair and I straightly denied her.

"Get her ready and bring her to the table," He said to Roseline. Roseline nodded her head and after speaking he stayed in the room for a whole minute and then walked outside.

Roseline came rushing to my side. She looked more afraid than me. I should be the one to show those emotions I said to myself.

"Get up Lyra, you need to get ready" She said hurriedly. She was panicking for some reason.

"Relax Roseline I am already dressed up…See" I got up from the chair and made a quick turn to show her I was dressed. After a satisfied look she sighed in relief.

"Marco is scary," I told her without hesitation. She heard me but didn't say anything to me.

"Shall we go, Lyra?" She said unlocking the door. Why I am following his command is because this was where I was always good at obeying commands.

Roseline held the door for me and I walked out. As expected the two guards were posted on the door. They didn't look at me but I keinly looked at them.

Like Marco, these two didn't like me either. I know people can never love strangers but it's not nice of them to show them hate. If you can't love you shouldn't hate too. That should be a universal rule.

We both walked upto the lift and went inside she pressed the button and the lift started taking us down. Weird feeling were bubbling inside me.

I cannot do anything in this situation except to pray and wish that I would be safe. We got out of the lift and Roseline guided me through the halls.

It was such a big house that anyone could get lost inside it. All this time Roseline was quiet and didn't say a word to me and I did the same. I was so occupied in myself that I didn't realise that we reached.

Roseline tapped on my shoulder. This house truly has wonders. We were in a room where the ceiling was very high and chandeliers were hanging down from the ceiling. It wasn't the normal lights but the Chandeliers had different colours and their reflections were creating a different impact on the walls.

The room was decorated with beautiful antiques. In addition to that, the walls of the room had different paintings. I was so amazed by the idea of the room.

"Kindly take your seat" Someone said behind me and I got frightened by his sudden appearance. I turned around and saw him. He was dressed like Marco.

I followed him and he guided me towards the table. The table was huge and made up of glass. So many different varieties of fruits were kept.

He pulled a chair for me and I gladly sat on it. After he made me sit he went and stood at the side. I was alone in this huge room knowing I had nothing to do. Roseline was long gone.

Should I talk to him? Maybe he would tell me something I thought. Before I could get up from my chair the main door opened wide and Loren entered inside.

I didn't know much about men's dress but one thing I could say was he looked perfect. His hair was neatly combed. His suit was going along his complexion. He looked so handsome that I didn't know when I got up from the chair and started moving in his direction.

I was just a few steps away from him when I heard a loud scream.

"She is Alive" She was loud enough to shake the world with her voice. I just couldn't figure out where she was screaming from.

Suddenly someone hugged me from behind and I froze in my place. She was a woman and her presence felt like I had known her. She had a warm atmosphere around her.

I didn't know she was crushing me in her hug until Loren came and pulled her away from him.

"She is not the one you think she is" Loren was louder when he said those words. He was right I will never be the one people would look for.

She started shouting back at Loren that I was the one she was claiming and trust me I myself had no idea who I was right now.

Just as they were arguing back. I saw the man who was with us the whole time falling on the ground. I kept looking at him confused when I noticed that his white shirt started getting red.

He was bleeding but how? I thought to go check on him when the huge Chandeliers fell on the table. Luckily none of us were near the table. I looked at the men and he was loosing consciousness in not time he would lose his life if I didn't stop block his wound.

Everything happened so fast. It was happening so fast but for me it was going on in slow motion. I ran to the man.

"We are under attack" Marco announced through the speaker. Attack!!! what attack? Where am I? Who is Loren? Who is this woman? Most importantly, who am I?

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