
Plots & Pizza


I sit outside my dad's office listening to the voices from inside, as clear as if they were next to me. He knows I'm here. He also knows I can hear everything being said due to our heightened senses.

Our senses would be sharper if it was not for the wolfsbane I take everyday. The whole village has to take a low dosage of it for our protection - for Diana's protection. The wolfsbane dose is so small it doesn't stop us from shifting, that would endanger us if we were ever attacked or found out about. It does however mask our scent from pack wolves and rogues passing the area.

We live as closed off as we can, hiding in plain sight in human territory. A pack pretending to be humans living in an idyllic village. It's been this way for hundreds of years. Never mixing with other wolves and humans unless absolutely necessary. No other packs even know we exist except for the elders - The Ecclesia. A bunch of old as dirt fuckers with sticks up their asses. They come once every five years to snoop around.

Thankfully it's a clear twenty mile radius around the village, so we have space to shift and run. We have motion sensor cameras near the borders in case any unsuspecting humans pass through, as well as daily patrols to do visual checks.

To anyone else it appears to be a normal human village. We have schools, restaurants, parks, quaint little pubs, tearooms and shops.

All the pups in the village are kept in the dark until just before their sixteenth birthday, when they start to feel the change.

It's not the ideal way to suddenly tell some poor kid "hey! You're about to break every bone in your body and grow a fucking tail .... Surprise!"

I remember when I was first was told. I totally freaked out and thought my parents were part of a cult. Convinced they were insane.... It took nearly twelve hours for me to complete my first shift. I don't think I really believed it until it finally happened.

My birthday comes three months before Diana's so I found out before her and it was so hard to not tell her, but Alpha Hector ordered me and as much as I wanted, you can't disobey an alpha command. I was so excited for her birthday so we could finally shift together. I had begged her father - the alpha, to let me be there when he told her. I didn't want her to go through it without my support.

At one point during my shift I'd begged them to get Diana for me. But I now understand how irresponsible it would be for pups to know about us before they need to and it's a rule we live by.

But then the shit hit the fan!

My father is the pack beta so has had to step up to stop the pack from falling apart, until Diana can take her rightful place. He tries to hide it but I can see how worried he is about Diana. She is the only heir and even rarer she is a female alpha. Firstborn children of alphas are ALWAYS male.

My father is terrified of her being discovered after he swore to her father he would protect her. I know he feels responsible for her, so he made the decision not to tell Diana and started her on wolfsbane to stop her from changing for as long as possible.

Over the last six years my father has had to regularly increase her wolfsbane dosage to block her scent and from shifting. But it only seems to work for so long before she needs more.... Any other wolf would be dead now if they had that much wolfsbane in their system FACT!

I pretend to be singing and not notice when the office door opens.

"Thank GOD.... I thought I was gonna die of starvation... Or boredom! I mean seriously, I know you need this therapy shit but as my best friend you are really slacking"

Diana smirks at me, I can tell she wants to laugh her ass off and I can almost see her forming her own sarcastic reply.

"Bonnie" my dad says.... He's always tiptoeing round her like a time bomb waiting to go off instead of treating her like the wolf I know she is - can be - will be! She's going to be our Alpha for god's sake.

"Lighten up dad"

I don't even wanna hear his response so I skip over to Diana and grab her arm dragging her out before he can even open his mouth.

"BYE BYE PAPA" I yell in one my many annoying as shit voices, knowing he hates it ha!

"Why are you in such a good mood?" Diana says eyeing me... Damn, she knows I'm up to something!

I decide to try and hide my nerves at what I'm about to suggest, I'll go with the deep heavy accent "because....we are going on a little girls trip" ....nailed it.... I hope!

"WHAT?!...WHEN.... I can't, I mean.... Bonnie you know I can't leave my mom"

ah crap... Maybe I didn't nail it, dammit.

Deflect deflect deflect

Ok, cue sweet innocent voice

"Relax, it's just two days. We drive there...have a few drinks, enjoy the spa, have a few more drinks... Maybe a little dancing and definitely a few more drinks.... Stumble back to the lodge.... Pass out and then drive home. And no offense but your mom hasn't uttered a word or even looked at you in months, she won't even notice.... Besides I've already booked and paid for everything NON REFUNDABLE..... Oh come oooooon.... Pleeeeeeease"

Ok, now I'm just blatantly begging!

"Wow..... not that I don't love your brutal honesty Bonnie, but you know I don't sleep well as it is... What if I sleepwalk?!"

"That's fine, just bring your handcuffs. I'm sure when you're drunk and passed out, you will sleep like a baby.... And I can easily handcuff you to something anyway"

I watch as she tries to think of an excuse to say no

"I don't know........"

Cue saddest looking face I can muster

"Ok then" she sighs

"EEEEEK....YES....This is going to be fucking EPIC.... Omg we need to start packing"

"Packing?..... Bonnie it's one night! Wait, when are we going again?"

Mission accomplished! I think to myself.


Me and Diana ate our bodyweight in pizza and lay either end of the sofa. "Urgh" I groan as I unbutton my jeans. I swipe the TV remote before she has the chance and grin victoriously.

I pick the scariest film I can find and can't stop laughing all the way through - not at the film but at Diana who was horrified and hiding behind a cushion.

I was laughing so hard I nearly piss myself at one point.

With a full belly, a happy heart and pissy knickers, I relax...

I don't remember falling asleep.....

I woke up to the TV on static and fumble around for the remote. A noise from the kitchen makes me jump so much, I half shift and my canines and claws spring out. I look to where Diana was... "Shit shit shit shit"

I run to the kitchen to see Diana a few feet away from the back door. Her one hand grasping into the air and turning an imaginary handle. She repeats this a few more times while I quietly walk closer until I'm at her side.

I look at her face.

Her eyes are wide open and fixed straight infront of her. She keeps trying the imaginary handle and for a moment I'm so engrossed watching I almost don't see as she takes a small step forward.

Closer to the door.

Closer to the real handle

I spring into action running up the stairs to Diana's room. I burst through the door and run over to her bedside table praying her handcuffs are there.

"Yes!" I shriek waving them slightly in the air and turn racing back down the stairs.

Diana is still at the door as I skid round the corner into the kitchen. She inches closer and I can see the real fucking handle is nearly within her grasp! I quickly click the handcuff onto my wrist.

I sneak over to her and half crouching I gently catch her 'non imaginary handle hand'

I about to snap the handcuff onto her wrist when I hear it


A growl so low and full of power I instinctively cower and I feel my wolf whimper in recognition as her alpha.

I look up to see Diana's head has swivelled to the side like the fucking exorcist and turned down, looking directly at me!

Her eyes solid black and boring into me like daggers.

"Hiii there... Diana" I whisper nervously

"I'm just gonna pop your handcuff on, iiits ok... It's just me.... There we go" I sound like I'm talking to a fucking baby for god's sake!

Did I say I was SHITTING myself!

Just as I go to click it on Diana roars at me. Not a growl a fucking roar! And I can see her canines have elongated in her mouth!

"DIANA ITS ME, ITS ME, IT'S BONNIE" I shout desperately. She rips her arm away and pushes me hard, launching me like a ragdoll to the other side of the kitchen.

I scramble back to my feet and prepare to be attacked - by my best fucking friend!

Instead she turns back to the door and resumes trying to grab the handle. I sneak up to her as quietly as I can, zoning in on her ankle this time. Crouching down, I fully extend the handcuff bar praying it snaps on like it does on those cop shows.

I hesitate, talking myself out of trying again, telling myself she won't even open the door but before I can stall anymore, I hear the metal of the handle twist in her hand.

I lunge forward snapping the handcuff into place. YES! Diana swivels her head to me again and as I go to stand I get yanked back down by my wrist cuffed to her ankle.


She stares at me with her black eyes, her arms hanging by her side. I can see the shadow of black hair under her skin poking through and her finger nails elongating into claws.


it doesn't matter how loud I scream or shout she can't hear me.

She reaches down with her clawed hand and grabs me round the throat squeezing hard enough to draw blood.

"" I choke out grabbing her hand with my free one. She glares vacantly into my eyes for a long moment and then swivels her head back to the door like it's the only thing that matters, releasing my neck.

She slowly raises her cuffed ankle and steps towards the door dragging me along like a piece of string. I scan around me frantically looking for anything I can use. I spot a glass and with my free hand try to reach it but can't quite grasp it..... I pull as hard as I can on Diana's ankle but she's like a stone wall, unmoving from her stance.

Holding my free hand on the worktop to steady myself, I lift up my leg and sweep it across the worktop sliding the glass closer to the edge. I grab the glass, now within reach and chuck the contents in Diana's face.

Diana blinks hard a few times, her eyes going back to her normal blue colour. Slowly she focuses on me in a sweaty mess from having to contort myself like a fucking pretzel.

"Bonnie.... What are you doing? And why am I covered in...... lemonade?"

We both burst out laughing, I'm laughing out of sheer relief. I was nearly squished like play doh in her bloody hand. I flop on the floor.

Thankfully it's dark in the kitchen and my throat heals over within a minute. Quickly I wipe the faint traces of blood onto my jumper sleeve.


I wait until I hear Diana get into the shower. Then lie on the bed and reach out to my dad...


"Bonnie? Are you ok?"

"Hi dad.... I'm fine" I sigh

"What's happened? it Diana?"

"Yeah....about that" I say slowly "We may have a little problemo"

My dad's silent for a few seconds..... "Was there another incident?"

"Yes!.... Its getting worse. Dad, she part shifted while she was sleep walking and she's strong unbelievably strong....she fucking roared at me!......I don't think the wolfsbane is working at all anymore. We can't put this off any longer"

"Fuck!" I hear him say "Did she agree to leave with you tomorrow?"


"Good. I don't want to take the risk of the elders smelling her when they arrive. I'm not willing to take that chance"

"Can't you give her a stronger dose?"

"No, the dose she's on is more than enough for five wolves atleast. Just make sure you get her out of here as soon as she wakes up. I don't want to risk anything by her being here by the time they arrive"

"Ok.... Dad.....why is she so strong?....she hasn't even shifted yet?"

"Honestly... I'm not sure. Hector didn't tell me everything. I suppose he thought he would do it. All I know is that even the Ecclesia don't know of her existence and I swore to Hector to keep it that way"

I hear Diana turn the water off and get out of the shower.

"Dad I've gotta go"

I still, listening..... I wait until I hear Diana clinking the handcuffs against the bed before I relax.

I don't know why Hector kept Diana a secret but I do know there must be a good reason.

And I would do whatever it took to keep her safe from whatever it was Hector was hiding her from.

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