
'Do I resemble a moron'

'Laura, Laura wake up. Please don't scare me. Wake uppp, open your eyes' I heard someone sob and yell at a distance. 'Are you even breathing?' after a pause 'Thank heavens. Please wake up soon. It's scary here'.

I flicker my eyes for a while to clear and adjust to the dim surrounding. I couldn't feel pain in my body except at my wrist and ankle. I take deep breaths sending gushing air into my system to regain energy to straighten my posture. I sit up slowing with some difficulty.

'Laura, thank heavens. I was so worried' I hear Jessica. 

'What happen. Are you alright?' I speak in a huffed voice.

'I woke up a while ago and noticed we're tied up. I don't even recognise the place' her words make my eyes open wide. 

'We're tied up?' I repeat and examine my body. The pain was due to the jump rope that was cuffed around my wrist and ankles. 'Who did it?' I ask looking at her who was tied the very same way. 

'I'm unsure. Nobody entere

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