
Chapter 39 (The rumor)

The days were going by slowly for all of them. Jasmine had to stay in the hospital for a week more and Stefen was always by her side. He had to see Jasmine in pain at times, seeing her suffer made his heart heavier but somewhere deep in that same heart of his, he was happy. He was happy to be there for her. The guilt that he had in his heart for not being there with her a decade ago was now diminishing. He enjoyed helping her and spending time with her as they were together building new memories.

It was the first day at work of Jasmine and Stefen after the incident. As before, Stefen picked her up and they both followed their self-made tradition of having their breakfast together. Jasmine had slowly but surely started to realize how much she loved Stefen's company. When she was still in the hospital, Stefen barely left her side. He was with her almost every moment. He took an official leave from the office just to be by her side.

They came out of the elevator and started walking tow
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