


Callum snapped his eyes open, and his muscles went rigid as he rose from the bed, only for them to relax when his eyes fell on my frozen form slightly.

“What are you doing here, Vermin?” His calm tone betrayed the anger that burned brightly in his eyes.

“I'm leaving. I already went to tell your brother, but it seems the both of you are too busy being man whores to remember our agreement.”

He stood from the bed in all his naked glory and walked towards me in slow, calculated steps. My eyes trailed the length of his well-defined abdomen, and it took all the self-control I had to stop my wandering orbs from going lower than the valley of hair that led to his manhood.

He stood inches away from me. His breath fanned my face, and a shiver crawled up my spine.

And what is it to you that we were being a couple of man whores?

Well, I'm your…

And don't say that word in my presence. Just because your mate is plotting your death doesn't mean that you can get your hopes up wit
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