
Chapter 6


Albert promised to take me to Mrs. Hopkins right after his son's race, his first entry into the tournament for aspiring warriors this year. This custom originated many years ago and is celebrated in every pack. I remember taking part in them when I was ten years old.

Each young member, regardless of gender or species, participated in a tournament in which their predispositions to later ranks were tested. From an early age, people checked whether they were fit to be warriors, trainers, trackers, scouts, or even the highest ranks, such as beta or alpha. Thanks to this annual competition, leaders can even be selected.

I moved over three hundred yards away from the tent, perfectly hidden in the tree line with still perfect visibility of the event. Trevor lined up at the starting line with six other kids in his age group, ready to run. Trevor is a complete dad, not only in appearance but also in character. The boy loved jokes and pranks but stopped at nothing to defend those humiliated and ridiculed.

His father had to deal with this from childhood, and even knowing me, the Prince of Lycans, did not guarantee him the absence of comments regarding his skin color, origin, or rank. My fingers were broken more than once, punching people in the faces who ridiculed him, but Albert, with his stubbornness and strength, silenced everyone and achieved the highest.

Albert is one of those people who became Alpha thanks to competitions like this. He won his position by beating the smart-asses, bullies, and entitled brats. I am incredibly proud of my friend and honored to watch him in his born role.

"Kick their asses, Trevor. Then I'll show them."

The same sweet voice echoed through the crowd, and my ears moved as I tried to discern where the sound was coming from. My nose caught the scent of citrus and chocolate again, and my eyes scanned the crowd for Gemma, the girl with golden hair and blue eyes.

She stood right on the line, cheering on Trevor. Her blonde ponytails flapped as she jumped, and her pretty blue dress flowed in the wind, covered in mud. Her smile beamed, and her eyes sparkled, staring at her friend with adoration, delight, and faith. I smiled and moved towards the she-devil I was looking for when she suddenly turned around and waved to someone in the crowd, calling to the line.

My nostrils flared as the fresh scent of mint mixed with a hint of raspberry awakened my senses, accelerated my heartbeat, and sent shivers down my body. I halted there, waiting for the person with this effect on me to emerge, and Gunnar straightened up and waited impatiently for that person to appear.

A flash of blond hair caught my eye in the sun, blinding me, and before I could shield myself, I was struck by a spark of blond hair blowing in the light wind, lifting little Gemma into her arms. My heart stopped, and my eyes bulged at the silhouette of a woman with curves so delicious that my fangs came out of hunger. Gemma giggled as the woman kissed her neck, hugging her tightly. I didn't have to see her eyes to know what was happening to me. Gunnar would be ready to flatten himself before her and pledge his love and loyalty to her until the end of his days.

I moved towards her without taking my eyes off her, although her face was still hidden under a curtain of shiny, long blonde curls. The whistle blew, and the kids started running, but I ignored them. Trevor was my godson, but somehow, at the moment, this little blonde cutie in the bigger one's hands was occupying my attention.

I don't know when I reached the crowd, and I don't know how I managed to get through the screaming crowd without hurting the others who were ramming my way, but I found myself near my mate, who seemed to be related to the little devil who was trying to snatch my chair from me.

Another whistle blew, and everyone started chanting the winner's name. I wasn't surprised to hear my godson's name, but my mate's reaction was. The woman ran towards the finish line with the little girl in her arms, screaming how proud she was of her beloved little Alpha. I felt a pang of jealousy. Even if it involved a ten-year-old prankster who could be her son. My mate was only supposed to glorify me and no one else.

I quickly followed her, pushing with my elbows, not paying attention to the others. When I reached the finish line, my mate hugged Albert and congratulated him on the most incredible son ever, and little Gemma hugged Trevor, bragging that he wouldn't beat her in the next competition. Gunnar almost forced a transformation on me, jealous and hurt that our two girls weren't paying attention to us.

Agreeing with him completely, I growled loudly, attracting people's attention. Albert noticed me and quickly moved away from my mate, smiling warmly. The woman also turned around, and my heart stopped again when I saw her.

She had cheery green eyes, rosy, luminous cheeks, a broad, beautiful smile, and sweet, shiny lips with lip gloss. Although my mate didn't have blue eyes or sweet dimples in her plump cheeks, she was a copy of little Gemma.

"Logan. Let me finally introduce you to the woman you came here for." Albert called to me, pointing to my mate and smiling shyly.

"Darling, this is Logan. He'll be the one to take you and Gemma to the palace." Albert pointed at me as I got close enough to enjoy my beloved's scent, presence, and sparks.

"Logan, this is Poppy Hopkins and her daughter Justice Gemma. This is Luna, whom you will be training to fight Alpha Brown. This woman obtained the consent to enforce Luna's law." Albert added, and I felt that my whole life had turned one hundred and eighty degrees.

"It's very nice to meet you, and thank you for your help. I promise to be the most diligent student and make you proud after winning the duel." My mate, Poppy, smiled and held out her hand in greetings.

Unable to utter a word, I stared at her charming smile and took her hand, nodding. A shiver of pleasure went through my whole body, and my hand clenched around her small and delicate hand, throbbing with excitement.

I just realized a few things. First, I will escort my long-awaited mate to the castle. Second, she is not only a beautiful woman but also a werewolf, and mixed bonds were rare in our case. I won't mention that the woman destined for me by the Moon Goddess was a mother, which was a challenge for me, but she was still mated to her first mate.

I had just found my mate who, according to our law, unfortunately still belonged to someone else. And how the fuck am I supposed to stop myself from throwing myself at her? This will be extremely hard for me and Gunnar. I hope that in the end, we will emerge victorious.

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