
Episode 32




The sun held up its place in the battle for long, but darkness has finally won, and night is befallen. Road lights leap on as I cast by. Rounding the mountain range, more glows dot the horizon as the city's dark side awakens.

Twenty minutes have flown by since I started the journey. But with the speed I'm travelling, the den will soon be in sight. I'm the sole driver on course for as far as I see in the shadows, even with my acute vision, a trait werewolves possess. If it were plausible that I saw further, the result would be the same. I'm certain I'd be alone.

Not many souls wander down the road leading to the lairs of vampires at this odd hour. Even a child knows it's when the dead have their feasts.

This wait to get where it's essential that I be, bores me. I can't in any fashion delay to meet the men who'd been so audacious to ambush the Alpha of Guttenbrieg. It will be a grand reunion tonight. Anticipation sends my fingers into dull drumming against the s
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