

"What do you think about him Jake? " Evelyn said to Jake who was hiding in the shadows.

"He has some potential but his human body is weak while his wolf is strong i'm suspecting it was his wolf that took control over him just now." Jake replied, not disappointing my expectations of his keen sense of assesment.

"Then I will have to worry you with training him later on, maybe after my wolf comes to existence." Evelyn said with a smug smile on her face.

"Why wait till your wolf turns up?" Jake asked curiously.

"Well if my guess is right then he might be my mate." Evelyn said, she has this gut feeling about it.

"What are you saying Eve, I'm sure you are fated to be with an Alpha of an outstanding pack." Jake dismissed her thoughts hurriedly.

"No need to worry, you said it yourself that his wolf was strong but his human body was weak. I am sure after a few training sessions he will be a top notch Alpha." Evelyn said, turning her chair to see the dreadful look on Jake's face.

"I'm kidding I just wanted to see your reaction which is hilarious by the way." Evelyn chuckled causing Jake to sigh before flicking Her forehead.

"Naughty girl, I thought I trained you well enough, " he clicked his with disapproval.

"Ouch." Evelyn cried out pouting sadly.

"You dare to hurt your Luna do you?" Evelyn said, forming a serious face.

"Oh sorry it was a mistake, Luna" Jake said, faking an apologetic face which he didn't do well and causing her to break her serious facade and burst out laughing.

"Besides, I hope to get mated to the Red Moon Alpha son. I heard he is worth drooling for, " Evelyn told Jake, picturing what the fellow will look like.

"I believe the moon goddess will give a man worth your status." Jake replied in a calm voice and a hint of smile on his face.

"Okay." she replied, though still secretly wishing for her mate to be Tyler.

Evelyn looked at Jake with a happy face. The man had been there with her even when everyone turned their backs at her.

His advice which he had given to her all through was worth it and has helped the pack growth tremendously although refusing to accept it, the people think it is because of the Beta and Gamma not knowing it was their was their pack warrior giving them the good life they have now the Beta and Gamma are too self centered for their own good.

Three months later

It is time for Evelyn's coming of age ceremony today and she has been preparing all morning. It may not seem as much but she is eager to have her wolf after much waiting.

Evelyn entered into the ball where the party was held and could hear hushed whispers as she entered because of today special event,

Evelyn had decided to let her hair down with curls at the end, everyone was shocked at her appearance because they are used to seeing Evelyn in her working appearance only, and have never seen her hair down.

Evelyn walked gracefully down the aisle to take her seat, while she sat down her eyes scanned the ballroom looking at all the Alphas' and everyone that graced the occasion.

They were all good looking, 'but not as good looking as Tyler.' a voice from Evelyn's head popped up with her guessing it is her wolf.

Evelyn was excited for tonight; she just needed to wait for moonlight to see her wolf, although it is a pity that her pretty dress would be ruined.

"Luna take this it would help boost your courage." Jake offered her some wine although it smelled funny Evelyn still took it and drank after dropping the glass down she could have sworn she saw a relieved look on his face but it was only for a second so she decided not to think too much about it.

"Okay I will excuse you then." he said walking away hurriedly Evelyn scrunched her eyebrows at Jake's weird behavior.

Evelyn turned to look at the voice calling her,

slightly frustrated she turned to see a guy with slight resemblance to Tyler especially the brown eyes.

"Hey, I am Kelvin, the son of the Alpha of Red Moon pack." Kelvin said with a thick British accent.

"I am Evelyn the Luna of Moon Stone Pack and my are you gorgeous as they say," Evelyn said, imitating his accent, which caused him to giggle lightly.

"You don't seem like the most feared Luna they talk about.'' Kelvin replied with a smirk.

"Well then I would advise you not to get me crossed at you." Evelyn stated smirking too.

"Luna, would you like some wine?" Evelyn heard another voice say behind her as she turned around to reject the drink when she saw Tyler the guy she had been thinking about with his alluring brown eyes staring at her like he was seeing through her.

"I'm sorry but I have drank one already I don't want to get drunk before the big moment, hey you know what instead of serving give It to another waiter and stay here with me." She said to him.

Evelyn didn't know why but it pinched her heart seeing him serve drinks, she turned back to see Kelvin staring at Tyler intensively and she subconsciously blocked him from his view like a mother hen protecting her chicks.

With a dreadful look on her face that shouts back off, "Hey tigress cool down a bit i'm just surprised you asked an omega to join us." Kelvin said exasperatedly "none of your business." Evelyn replied him while sneering.

"Okay okay enough with being feisty " Kelvin said with his hands raised up.

"Luna what is going on here?" Beverly came panting which shows she ran over here well that was the least of Evelyn's concern as Beverly was looking at Tyler in a way she didn't like, just when Evelyn was about to hit her when she felt Tyler hold her back.

"It is nothing, don't ruin your ball or image because of an omega." Tyler said softly that no one could hear, hearing his voice calmed her down a lot and all the anger dissipated she began wondering what is wrong with her.

Soon it was time for Evelyn to step into the moonlight, she couldn't wait to finally turn into her wolf form, Evelyn thought as she entered the moonlight slowly but all of a sudden everything turned black.






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