
Lilith the Skinwalker (2)

"You fucking idiot, killing her means trapping evelyn in her state, why didn't you compel her to break the spell instead then kill her?," Leon asked gripping asher violently by the neck using every last bit of sanity not to snap it two.

"Get your hands off me," Asher said with a frown pushing Leonard a few meters away from him and forcing him to release his hold on him, "Evelyn's fine, killing Lilith would automatically break her spell on her," he replied with a scowled expression, he had felt something was wrong in the forest and had quickly rushed over stunned to find evelyn unconscious and Leonard about to battle an evil witch, not thinking and overwhelmed by rage he had killed the witch not bothering to question her on her true identity.

"Then why isn't she waking up?, huh genius?," he asked with a raised brow, about to question further he heard evelyn scream out in shock and in the blink of an eye, he was in Evelyn's embrace.

"It's alright, it's alright little kitty I'm here, you
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