
The Lycan huntress (2)

Dazed off in a daydreaming state while peeking through the window at the distant view so much that the conversation and chattering sounds of students echoing through the cafeteria had been completely silenced, her distracted mind lost in the thought of yesterday's conversation with Leonard. it was too much of a mental and emotional blow to heal from.

"Are you sure you are okay Evelyn? you've been dazed off since class," Asher asked, his manner laced with concern with his gaze on the white-haired girl who hadn't taken a single bite from the food placed on the table.

"Yeah I'm fine, nothing to worry about." she said feigning a calm and carefree facade, "What class year is your sister? I haven't once seen her in class."

"She's a science student in her final year." Asher's answer seemed to have taken Evelyn, by surprise as she gazed wide-eyed at him, if she was a final year student wouldn't that make her two or probably three years older than Leonard? she thought in ridicule

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