

“Miss Scarlett Davies. You must follow us now. You have been selected as one of the women to be taken to the Howling Moon Pack.”

Two of the uniformed men reached forward and grabbed her. 

“What?” Scarlett shrieked. 

“Father! You can't let them take me away!” Scarlett cried. 

Davies lunged forward in attack but was grabbed and held down by one of the Alpha’s guards. 

“Not my daughter…. unhand my daughter now…!”

“That we can't do Mr Davies.”

A voice came from the door. Scarlett swore she recognized that voice. And right she was as Noah entered. 

Her jaw dropped. 

“Noah? What are you doing here? Don't tell me you did this…”

“I had no option, Scarlett. My father trusted me with this and I needed to make him proud. Besides, you are without a mate and still a virgin.”

“You cheating lying bastard!” Scarlett charged. 

The men held her. She fumed glaring at Noah. The Noah she didn't recognize anymore. Had he always been this way or was she blinded by love she didn't see.

“Easy now Scarly darling… don't resist it. You will thank me for this. You could finally find your mate over there. Maybe one of them old lycan elder or male servant,” Noah smirked before he turned to the men. “Bring her.”

“What happened to you Noah? You weren't like this.” 

Noah stopped but didn't immediately turn. 

“Well, you can say I finally got to my senses and knew what belonged to me. Silver Fang belongs to me.”

Scarlett was dragged away while her father was held down. 



“Let go of me now!” Scarlett growled. Her wolf roared within her ready to jump out. 

One of the men struck her heavily with the baton he was carrying. Stars danced before her eyes and her brain went blank next. 

Scarlett woke up and found herself in a moving vehicle. Stacked in the midst of other girls. 

She slammed her eyes shut. She had to be having some sort of nightmare. But the bickering and chatter from the girls were far too real for a mere nightmare.

Her eyes still blurry, she tried to move her leg stuck in-between the leg of another girl. She had cramps all over her and her neck felt stiff so much she couldn't move them. She tried to imagine how long she had been in that position for her neck to have stiffened that much. Her stomach grumbled loud and the other girls heard. 

They shot her angry stares. 

“She is finally up. The girl who dared to desire the son of the Alpha,” one of the girls said and the others laughed. 

“Wretched daughter of a lowly Omega…you really think yourself better than us. Now look where your over ambitious self landed you.” another of the girls spat. 

Scarlett tried to swallow but her mouth felt too dry. 

Slowly she raised her neck and it cracked. She bit her lips, stopping the groan. 

“Where are we going?” She managed to ask propping herself upright. 

“Look, she is asking where we are headed!”

The girls laughed again. Scarlett couldn't understand why her question amused them. 

“Shut your lowly mouth back there!” A roar came from the front of the vehicle and all the girls kept quiet. 

“Have you no idea? We are being taken to Howling Moon Pack. The Pack where the lycan Alpha dwell,” the girl beside Scarlett whispered into Scarlett’s ears. 

“The Lycan Alpha’s Pack?” 

Scarlett mumbled thoughtfully. True, a tradition that the lycan used to tie them werewolves down. She had heard girls were taken away. Mateless virgin girls.

Her head twitched. The mysterious man she had given herself to flashed in her head. She bit her lips and cussed under her breath. She wasn't a virgin anymore. If she told them, she would be deemed unsuitable for the journey but she would be ruined. Either way she would be ruined. 

“Father…” she mumbled. “I need to go back to my father. What will happen to my father?” She tried to move her body. Pain surged through her. 

“It will do you good to keep calm and accept your fate. Fighting the girls or anyone here won't help. And while you were sleeping, they announced our parents are doing well and have been duly compensated. Perhaps you shouldn't worry about your father,” the girl added, less empathic. 

Scarlett tilted her head to look at her. She looked nothing familiar but she was too bold and unfazed for one being taken to a strange land. 

Scarlett saw how the girl had accepted her fate. 

Perhaps she should accept her own fate as well. 

Her shoulders slumped and she rested her head against the vehicle's door and shut her eyes. 

The girls started to bicker again. Their noise drowned her thoughts. She wondered why they bickered when they were supposed to worry about their unlucky fate and their bleak future. 

All the stories she had heard about the Lycan Alpha and his pack filtered through her mind. 

A weak Lycan Alpha. A puppet Lycan Alpha. News was that he was just a stand-in and could never make a decision on his own. He rode horses, shot arrows and slept with the werewolves women offered to him and didn't care about his people. 

“How useless he must be…” Scarlett mumbled aloud with a hiss. 

The thought of meeting someone like him sickened her. 

She squinted her eyes and through the corners she peered at the girl from earlier. She hadn't gotten the chance to ask for her name.

She sat up. 

“My name is Scarlett. What is yours?” She called above the noise.  

The girl merely glanced at her but didn't reply. 

Scarlett was puzzled. She thought she didn't hear her due to the noise and tried again. 

“I said my name is…”

“I heard you loud and clear. It's useless getting chummy now. I bet we wouldn't see each other again the moment we drop from this vehicle.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Because we will all be separated. Actually it's not as we were told back at Silver Fang. They tell you you are coming to serve the lycan Alpha but that's half of the truth. The elders get to pick any girl of their choices. Pray you don't fall into one of those evil elders. They stink and they make you kiss their stinky mouth and suck them down there. If I were you, I would rather be chosen to serve the lycan Alpha's chambers. But don't worry, he probably won't spare you a glance. You would be lucky to serve as his servant or slave. So much better than gracing the beds of those lustful devilish elders.”

She was saying it so unbothered. Like she had experienced it. But Scarlett saw a glint of sadness in her eyes especially as she spoke of the elders.

“How do you know all these?” Scarlett asked with a frown. 

“Because I have been taken there before,” she answered and stared out the window. 

“What? How?” 

The vehicle screeched to a sudden stop. Scarlett wobbled forward, bumping her forehead against the back of one of the girls. 

“Watch it bitch!” 

The door flung open. 

“Get your filthy bodies down now!” One of the men bellowed. 

The girls started to jump down from the vehicle. 

“When do we get to see the lycan Alpha?” One of the girls asked. 

“Shut up and file up!” 

Scarlett got down and stood in line. She looked around and the girl beside her in the vehicle had disappeared. Chill climbed her body. 

As she tried to poke her head in front to see if she was in the front, one of the men smacked her head. 

“Get in line!”

After they had filed up, the men led them into a huge fine building.

“Is this the Lycan Alpha’s house?”

Scarlett heard some of the girls argue the ownership of the house. But her thoughts were distant. She thought about the girl she sat with in the vehicle. How she had disappeared and all she said.

They were ordered to stop in front of the building. While the girls gushed about the building, men started trotting out of the house. Elderly men. 

“This must be the Lycan elders…” Scarlett mumbled.

The men rounded them, sizing them up. With lustful eyes. One would whisper to the other and they'd either shake their head or smirk after pointing and scrutinising a girl. 

The words of the girls echoed in Scarlett's head. She curled herself into a ball dreading the worst. 

One of the lycan elders stopped beside her. He looked at her and licked his lips. 

He tried to say something to the other one beside him but that one pulled him back. 

The smug in their faces suddenly vanished. 

Scarlett looked ahead to see the reason for their sudden retraction. Two breathtakingly handsome tall men had stepped out of the building and were headed towards them. 

Scarlett halted. Her eyes narrowed and her brows creased. The face of one of the men seemed oddly familiar. 

Harrow Club tall fine man? She shook her head denying her memory of the false alarm. It couldn't be him. It should never be him. 

Halfway, one of the two men halted, whispered something to the other one. Then he turned around and walked back inside. 

The other one continued to approach them. But slowly now. 

“Who is he? Is he the lycan Alpha? Then I wouldn't mind gracing his bedchamber all night.”

One of the girls moaned. 

Scarlett could feel her heart thud heavily against her chest. 

“Dear moon goddess… let this not be so…” she fervently prayed. 

He stopped before them briefly acknowledging the elders before casting a glance at the girls.

Scarlett ducked her head. Her breathing quickened and she nibbled her lower lip nervously. 

“Greetings, my Alpha.”

Scarlett raised

her head just enough to see the lycan elders greet the tall fine man. 

Her legs buckled and she almost plopped to the ground safe for the quick hands behind that caught her. 

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