
Teasing her


I went through my tablet, to be certain I ticked everything off. It was almost dawn, and they were sleeping on my bed. They seemed more spent than me when I should be the one sleeping like the dead. I limped towards my parlour, to get everything ready for the day. Ever since the first night they spent in my house, they seemed to have taken my apartment as a second home. Most of the time, they spent their nights in my bed, leaving early in the morning.

I made a cup of coffee and took it to my sitting room, to work on the things I would take with me to the office. I played the audio clip I recorded, ticking out their answers in my jotter. Today was the last day of my 1-month leave, and I was returning to the office loaded with enough details about the brothers.

True to their promise that first night, they answered all my questions. Though most of their answers sounded far-fetched, I was able to salvage as much as I could from them. The audio interview I had with them took us ten
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