
Chapter 48 - Time


“I believe we are done studying,” Suaco broke my concentration with that statement and I looked up from my work. She has a point. We have been studying non-stop, except for eating and visiting the bathroom and sleeping. Yeah, it has been the tenth time I have gone over all my work for my last exsames.

“And Mating sea-” Suaco wanted to say before a knock at our door got our attention.

“Lee, we are going to start the torturing. Still wanna come?” I recognized the voice as Roy’s voice.

“Yeah, coming,” I stood up and grabbed my jacket. It has started to snow at the end of the week.

I opened my door and Roy doesn’t look like he wants me to go. “Are you sure? Our torturing can be gruesome,” Roy asked and I wonder if his understanding for gruesome is the same as mine.

“As long as I can give some torturing, I will be happy. Those girls need revenge for what they have done to them,” I closed my door behind me and Roy sighed followed by a nod. We headed the the stairs and I noticed that
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