
Eva caught Brendon cheating

Eva's POV

At 12:00 am, midnight.

I couldn't sleep all this time even after taking the medicines. The thundering, frightening growls of Brendon were still resonating in my head. The way he banged on my door, made me feel like he's going to kill me.

He called me desperately, asking to open the door for him and froze me dead. His reeking smell of alcohol made me feel nauseous, I vomited two times because of that alcoholic smell.

I only know how I endured this dreadful time, I'll never forget this day. Thanks to Sir Logan for taking him back to his bedroom. I covered my face, trying to sleep just that very moment my phone vibrated.


I lazily ran my hand to the right in the drawer of a nearby desk and pulled out my phone from the purse. The message kept buzzing, I don't know who is messaging me this late.

I opened the messenger folder and my sleepiness vanished in an instant. Brendon has sent me half naked pictures of him sleeping with Aubrey. Wow! Her lipstick was on his c
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