
Meeting Her Tormentor

Sitting under this extravagant parasol, the only thought that ran through her otherwise erratic mind was to escape this place alive. 

'It's really been days and no one has come for her head...'

But she wasn't able to meet her servants and doing it alone was impossible, especially with all these guards keeping eyes on her. 

“...Of course, I know that it's not easy to recall for you but my point is, that the King most likely will be here for you soon!” Princess Scarlet, who was sitting opposite her, insisted, “If it were any other man I wouldn't be cautious, but…” she trailed off, looking at Laylin who was intently staring at her cup of cold tea.

Scarlet reached out and grasped her hand. She squeezed it in a comforting manner. Laylin tried to take her hand away but her grip was strong.

“But it’s a King who ascended through a Coup, Laylin... if you don't tell me what happened I'll be too clueless to be of any help to you!” It was the best coaxing Scarlet could do, any more persuading would just make Laylin crawl back into her shell again.

Scarlet observed her for a few minutes before finally letting her hand go with a huff. The foreign Princess was tight-lipped about that night to the point where it was suspicious.

After inspecting the scene they were sure of it, it was no accident that Laylin survived. There must be something and if the undefeated king had a weakness, they needed to know of it! Laylin, on the other hand, swore she didn't remember much.

Looking at the Princess fussing about, Laylin sneered behind her cup. She would be a fool to tell a lycan she was a witch. Rakhbar's witch hunts were still a vivid memory in history.

“The whole of Arein is talking about you!” Scarlet continued, “They say you are an omen from the Foretold and... that you have somehow charmed the King under your spell-”

Laylin's drink spluttered out. "Cough... Cough!!"

"Ah!" Scarlet sat up in alarm handing her napkins. "Easy there! God, I didn't mean to startle you like this!"

"Charmed? Like a witch?" Laylin forced a smile, clutching her dress. "It's so ridiculous, even for an accusation. I'm a princess of a human kingdom. How did they even come up with it?"

Scarlet sighed in frustration. "Yeah, I know. Omen of the foretold was taking it too far too but you can't stop people's mouth."

Laylin's cup halted mid-air as her eyes met hers. Gulping down the tea, she placed her cup before leaning back. "The Foretold? Does anyone even know what the Foretold says?"

Princess Scarlet shrugged, "The secret to World Domination? Who cares when they can find a suitable person to take the fall for all their miseries."

Laylin nodded thoughtfully, "And I'm an oddity. The one who was somehow spared by the King's lycan. A perfect person to criminalize." 

 "Exactly." She clicked her tongue as if to say it was the same, "Every layman is cursing you for bewitching the King and bringing upon them a natural disaster. They may even say the Southern wild animals who have been chipping away at the land for years are your fault too."

Realizing her weak position, Laylin decided to make a hasty move, "Why do you want to help me?"

"You...! Aren't you quite direct?" Scarlet's eyes widened at her direct approach before she hummed, staring at the empty sky for a while, "Let me see... It's like camaraderie. We are both convenient pawns at the disposal of strong men so I empathize with you." She pushed the sweet tray in Laylin's direction: "So how did you survive?"

"How did you?" It was well known that Scarlet was the only Royal the present King had spared in his brutal rebellion.

Laylin wanted to move on from this topic already but Scarlet was relentless. And so she resolved to counter her, plastering a fake smile on her face. After all, she had nothing more to say in this matter. She couldn't reveal her power and... the bite.

Her hand swiped the smooth skin on her nape. She was sure she hadn't imagined the soul-wrenching pain but there was no scar or wound on her neck when her whole body was battered and bruised.

"Ahh... So you wanna play it like this? I was worried you would turn out to be a moron but now I must say your wits are getting on my nerves," Scarlet drummed her fingers on the table, deep in thought. Laylin's eyes fell on the Falcon sitting on a tree nearby.

"That's quite a long story."

Laylin tilted her head in interest. "I've got nothing but time."

"Okay... have you heard of Alpha lines of White Wolf in Hierarchy of Lycan?"

"Pretty much." Laylin shrugged a shoulder offhandedly. She had a vague idea of the old hierarchy of lycans.

"Hierarchies used to be strict when the White Wolves ruled. In every generation of Royals of Rakhbar, one White Wolf is born and the next White Wolf is his first born and so on but White Wolves disappeared." Laylin leaned forward to hear Scarlet whisper closely. "Incidentally that is also the time when the number of Lycans who shift decreased. The Alpha White Wolves were all born with Silver Fur. He's proclaimed the next King upon birth without competition for the throne but there hasn't been a White Wolf with Silver fur in ages!"

Laylin furrowed her brows. She really didn't understand the importance of the color of their hide but listened on anyway.

"It is widely believed that the gene of White Wolf is still alive in Royal Blood and one of the children in each generation gets it but because it is weak they cannot shift. In the previous generation, there were three royals. The former King, The present King's father, and my mother, who was a cousin to them. Both my mother and Ambrose's father couldn't shift. The former King shifted in an obsidian lycan so either my mother or King Ambrose's father carried the gene."

Laylin blinked in surprise. "... King Ambrose is an obsidian lycan." She had seen it, but truthfully she couldn't imagine any legendary White Wolf to be fiercer or horrifying than that monster.

"Exactly! My mother was the one who carried the genes and I'm her first-born." She looked frantically around when there wasn't a soul around in a miles radius, she whispered. "King Ambrose's father was young when he was assassinated which affirmed Ambrose's belief that the former King had taken away his birthright."

".... But his fur isn't silver either."

She nods, "Yes, and it doesn't matter. His father was murdered young but not before he was forced to impregnate some unknown woman under house arrest. King Ambrose had enough reason to kill the former King. Not to mention he was a horrible leader. Do you now understand why he can't kill me?"

Laylin shook her head.

"All Lycan Kings care about the revival of the White Wolf. They believe that God has cursed them because their is no White Wolf. The former king wasn't sure who had the White Wolf gene as Ambrose's father or my mother couldn't shift so the former King forced both of them to have children. For the same reason, Ambrose kept me alive. I can't shift but I most probably have the gene." 

It was obvious Lycans were desperate to preserve their stronger genes somehow. Though these Lycans were physically much stronger than humans or witches, their powers were dying down. These days you can hardly ever see a Lycan that can shift.

This was probably why they put up with the King's madness.

Laylin took a second to analyze the information: "You aren't really his sister but a royal by birth. That makes you a double-edged sword. You could threaten the rule of the Lycan King or overthrow the monarch." She scoffed, turning away. Siding with Scarlet was walking on a thorny path. "This is really making me rethink my choices."

"Choices are for frugal. You have limited options." Scarlet shrugged as she pointed out. "Chamberlain Hazi, the mediator of the Aristrocatic faction already sees you as an enemy."

Ignoring her jab, Laylin ran her fingers through her hair, "Your child will be the heir. Irrespective of who sits in a Twin seat by him. Is that what you are saying?"

With a disgusted face, Scarlet rolled her eyes, "That would be platonic incest. I'm set to marry the Black General."

"Black General?"

"General Ivan, who escorted you here."

"Oh..." That rude bastard.

Resting her head on her wrist, Laylin hummed, "The Black General holds the reins to his Army of rebels and mercenaries: He's the Lycan King's unbound strength and a double-edged sword by his side. A royal marriage alliance will limit the General's ambitions and your heir will marry the next King or Queen, restoring the power, genes, and legacy." She nodded her head in wonderment, "That's genius. That's some scheming."

"But." Princess Scarlet encouraged her further.

"But... But for the absolute shift of power and bloodline, there can only be one heir from you." Laylin thoughtfully scrutinized, "Ah... you fear this is his elaborate revenge for his father. Once you have exhausted your usage, you may be disposed of as well."

Princess Scarlet pointed a finger at her, "Bravo!" She wriggled her finger in an imploring gesture, "Now will you finally reveal what happened that night."

Laylin poked her tongue in her mouth. Scarlet was stubborn, she would have to give her something.

"I was... I was quite tired from the journey and was rushed in the room when the Bea- The King appeared. I somehow found myself between two thin walls." She replayed the night over and over but her lack of fatal wounds or fight with the King couldn't be explained without exposing her secret.

She couldn't reveal she was a witch. the Princess might have her beheaded right away, but she just couldn't let her be either. The Princess had been tailing her for a whole week now. The anxiety she had about King's return was already chipping away at her.

What will he do to a witch who assaulted him? She clicked her tongue before stuffing her mouth to aid her crashing nerves.

"He was throwing things in my direction. I remember him hitting the wall consistently. The structure broke down on me." She bid her time contemplating, "After that everything is hazy. I may have fainted or he may have lost interest. I remember getting off the floor sometime in the night to climb the bed."

For a while, Scarlet just stared at her before sighing. The scene she had observed told a different tale altogether, but it could be pieced together this way too. "It seems you don't plan to give me the answer I need."

"Have you thought that I may not have the answer you need?" Laylin shrugged, and her lie came about, clear and consistent.

Scarlet rolled her eyes, "His mistress would be fuming right now because you bewitched him. I'm surprised she hadn't barged in here already."

'Mistress? He had a Mistress?!

There was a sudden pang in Laylin's heart as though it was being ripped apart in two. Her fists clenched in her lap, hidden from view. It wasn’t that she didn't consider the possibility of another woman but it astonishingly made her angry.

"Where is-"

“Time sure is running a marathon.” Scarlet murmured cutting her off while glaring at the violet sky in surprise, “Though our conversation wasn't productive, it was entertaining.” she smiled, “We better retire for the night.”

Both women stood up, and Laylin walked with her, thanking her for both her visit and refreshments. When they were close to her designated suite, Scarlet halted suddenly and turned back towards her once more.

“The King is likely returning soon. Every Palace is busy holding grand feasts. I requested an entourage to be assigned to you."

Laylin's hand on the doorknob stilled. He was coming back, she had no time to lose! "...No. I already told you. I would like my people who came with me in my dowry back."

"Ah. Of course, you would. I'll try to arrange that." Scarlet looked away in disappointment. 

"You know, you can." the foreign Princess urged, "I do realize that I might as well be another dispensable, pretty face in his court. You might never benefit from me but I'll never turn on you unless... you turn on me first. So please be generous with your aid." She faked a sweet smile.

"I see... I never gambled my life in loss, so your conditioned pledge to not turn on me is assuring," Scarlet smiled and leaned closer to her, “Just keep in mind, Men drunk on power are the easiest to deal with when you aren't moving against them. There are ways you can oppose them with their own will. Think about it.”

Scarlet raised a brow, expecting her response. Laylin only politely nodded, waiting for her to finally take her leave. With one last goodbye, the woman finally walked away, leaving Laylin alone in the extravagant villa close to Scarlet's Palace.

A deafening silence enveloped her.

There was a strange sensation coming over her at the mention of King's Mistress. It made her throat feel dry, as she struggled to keep her calm composure. When nothing worked for her, she lifelessly went around. 

Her nightmares were haunting her with pitchforks these days. Sleeping alone at night was terrifying. The worst part was that she couldn't even remember the dreams she had. Only bits and pieces.

Her eyes fell on the tray set with food. Though everything was always delicious. She had no appetite.

Who did he think he was?! Making her lose her capabilities at the mere thought of him?!

She swallowed the rest of the cake, washing it down her throat with cold tea. She just kept eating and drinking as tears streamed down. She hiccuped and coughed but ate till nothing was left on the plate.

She was scared for her life. Despite the brave front, she was terrified. Memories of the beast and the feelings of shame and humiliation she had to go through were making her short of breath.

"Lord, please help me." She pleaded for a way out. Slumping down, she sobbed hard, "Oh, God! What do I do? How do I run away?"

She couldn’t help but feel as though the walls were closing in on her. Her breathing grew ragged, and his guttural growls echoed in her mind. "There's no way... God! What do I do?!"

Hurriedly, she ran out of her suite, grabbing the bare minimum to keep herself warm in the chilling weather. She sped through the halls as if he was chasing behind her. Her eyes frantically searched for any passersby in Princess Scarlet's Palace before pausing in front of the library.

With a huff, she barged in. She found a corner and slumped on a couch. Breathing hard, she tried to arrange her thoughts. Hiding her face in her hands, she tried to come up with an escape plan from this hell when she was startled by a sound.

The flapping of paper had her stiffening. She looked up and met intense golden eyes, looking up from a book. With the spectacles on the bridge of his nose and the rolled-up sleeves, she could tell she had intruded.

Abruptly standing up, she took several steps back: "Forgive me, I didn't realize I had company." When the mysterious tall handsome man only stared at her while leaning against a shelf, she felt awkward.

With nothing else to do, she courtesied and turned around, "I won't take any more of your time then." 

“Laylin…” his warm voice breathed out her name. 

As if freezing cold water splashed on her, she was paralyzed to her bones. Slowly she turned back only to find him a breath away. With a shriek, she stumbled back but he caught her arm in time.

Laylin held her breath. The man had hypnotized her and his touch seared her soul. Either of which she didn't wish to part with.

"Try not to stamp the floor. The Carpet is expensive," She just blinked at the man's audacity. Next, she assessed the said 'expensive' carpet. It was a worn-out dusty rug.

For a moment, none of them said anything. The man was too amused while Laylin was too dumbfounded.

She hadn't heard him wrong, he did call her name.

The man exuded danger and she didn't want to be under his sharp stare a minute longer. He seemed ready to end her if she dared ignore his presence.

"It's Princess Scarlet's Palace. Unannounced opposite-gender intruders aren't taken lightly here," She warned him, just in case, before getting ready to courtesy again. "Then. I'll take my lea-"

“I heard you are a sole survivor of the King Lycan's wrath.” the man spoke, breaking the tense silence between them. Laylin gulped and nodded hesitantly.

He wasn't the first one who had come to ask her this in the last week. After a day, she stopped denying it. If she denied it, people usually started an aggressive argument.

“It seems so.” she replied softly before averting her gaze back down to the table she was standing in front of.

He stared at her for a moment, before he took a seat on the couch in front of her. He noticed how Laylin tried to subtly look away from him, and offered her a seat with an extended hand.

“Pardon me but it's late and I would like to retire to my suite.” Laylin stared at him inquiringly, awaiting his reaction. Somehow the sight of his languid demeanor told her he was a man of value. Nothing about the man wasrouge or modest and you don't get such an air about you just by goofing around.

"Have I allowed you to leave?"

Her receding steps halted and her head snapped up to him mutely as she wetted her lips. "Forgive my oversight, my Lord. I didn't recognize you as I'm new here so-"

"You know who I am." He cut her off and smirked brazenly. Her breath caught in her throat at the name that was at the tip of her tongue.

Elena Feathers


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