
Make Herself Useful

[Rosalie’s POV]

I stare in disbelief at the door as it closes behind Diego. The man truly was hot and cold. One minute he was kind and caring; the next he was venomous as a snake. Did he have multiple personalities or something?

Sighing, I collapse on the couch while pressing my fingers against the cuts on my cheek and pulling away so I can examine the blood on them.

“He went all out,” I sigh, rolling over and curling in on myself. “I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up.”

Closing my eyes, I once again see his enraged expression, but it quickly shifts to that gentle one that he has used around me a few times. I truly was a fool to let my guard down even for a second just because he showed that expression, but it wasn’t only that expression that was making me do something so crazy.

“What is it that I keep feeling?” I whisper, touching my lips as if that thrum of delicious energy would come from my own touch. “Is it a desperateness for some sort of human connection?”

I didn’t know, and hon
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