
49. Tricked

Esme’s POV

“She’s not replying me yet,” I complained in frustration and Silvan pulled me into his embrace.

“Give her time.”

Ever since I woke up, I had been unable to sense Ira in me and after what Silvan said he saw, I had no idea on what was going on.

According to him, something within me had struck at the moonstone and shattered it into pieces.

The moonstone! That shit was harder than a diamond. And Silvan had claimed that I had broken it.

“We would figure it out after we leave the meeting,” Silvan insisted and then squeezed my hands.

“What if they ask about what happened?” Knowing his mother, she could spin the story as me being some nasty curse that needed to be killed.

The very thought of that had my nerves tightening and I glanced at Silvan.

“No one knows what happened last night,” he said.


“I sensed something was wrong before the stone shattered and created an illusion before everyone eyes. To everyone, the initiation went well and they don’t even know you passed o
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