
93. A Unique Kind Of Torture.

Esme’s POV

My head throbbed as I struggled to open my eyes. There was no difference in opening my eyes as everywhere was pitch black.

Where were we? The last thing I remembered was being in the limousine headed to the club.

I needed to know where this was. Considering that there was no movement or sounds around us, I doubted that we were still in the car.

Alarm bells rang in my head the moment I tired to move my hands and saw that I was bound.

“Amy?” I called out, my heart throbbing in my chest from fear.

There was no reply and I tried for Rue. “Rue?”

Still no reply.

What in the goddess was going on. I moved my body even more and immediately realized that my legs were just the same as my hands.

Bound and held in place to something.

Was this the driver playing tricks on us? Or had we fallen into one of those human kidnapping scams where they wanted the families of the victims to fork out money.

“You are messing with the wrong people,” I mumbled as resolution settled in my heart
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