
A Mate From Alcarod


I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding, leaving the library in a dark mood. I had started my day off happily, hoping I would find comfort in the aged leather-bound tomes this library housed but alas that was not to be so.

"Elora, wait up.” Gael called out, jogging up to catch me. “Are you okay?”

I slowed my steps as I finally remembered that I hadn’t been alone.

"Oh, yes.” I answered after a long minute. “I'll go to my room now. I feel a little tired."

It wasn’t a total lie as Riley had sucked out all the energy I’d gathered from seeing my siblings earlier.

"I’ll walk with you.” He smiled, “I don’t feel comfortable leaving you alone.”

I shook my head slowly.

“It’s fine, Gael.” I protested, “I release you from your duties today.”

He ignored me and walked on, stopping when he was a few feet away from me to send me a look.

I sighed and stopped protesting, walking up to him.

“You should know that I find it impressive how you handled the situation with the…” He trailed off
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